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the lottery is not in leafgreen.

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Q: How do you win the lottery in Pokemon LeafGreen?
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Where is the lottery in Pokemon LeafGreen?

The lottery is not in leafgreen.

How do you win the lottery in Pokemon FireRed?

You cant

How many master balls can you get on Pokemon LeafGreen?

One from Giovonni, and unlimited from the lottery and trade.

How do you win the lottery in Pokemon Diamond?

You Win the lottery by luck and skills. But it's mostly luck that you need. To improve your chances, you can trade Pokemon with different ID's.

In diamond how can you get a bunch of of masterballs?

win the Pokemon lottery

What do you get when you win the lottery in Pokemon Emerald?

I think a masterball

Is there a cheat code to win the lottery in Pokemon diamond?


How do you get more masterballs leefgreen?

The only way to get more masterballs without cheating is to have other leafgreen versions or firered or ruby or sapphire or emerald or Pokemon colosseum or Pokemon xd gale of darkness trade the masterball that those games get to leafgreen other than that you have to win the lottery in ruby and sapphire and emerald at lilycove city to get another masterball then trade it to leafgreen.

What do you get if you win the lottery on Pokemon sapphire?

I am pretty sure you get a masterball.

Do you get a second master ball in Pokemon heartgold?

Yes, the only possible way to get the second one is to win it in the lottery. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How do u win the lottery?

How do you win a lottery in Pokemon SoulSilver?

Answer One: Get really lucky and you might winAnswer Two: The lottery number is the same with the Pokemon's ID number, so the more Pokemon you have, the better possibility of winning a lottery.

What is a lottery in Pokemon Diamond?

The lottery is the place where you can win rare stuff at like a masterball the number has to match the ID number of a Pokemon ou own.