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I can make four. How many can you make?

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Q: How many words can you make from the word cat?
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How many words can you make from word acted?

Act, Cat, Cadet, At, Ace.

What words can you make with the word expectation?

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How many words can you make from the word tragic?

rag, tag, art, arc, car, cat, tar, tig, tragi

How many word can you make usin cat?

The letters in 'cat' will spell a, act, and at.

What is another word for this?

There are many words could be used to replace other words. You could the word feline to replace cat for example.

How do you do short a sounds?

When doing short a sounds the letter a will make a sound such as in the word cat. In the word cat the a is making a short 'a' sound. To make the long a sound another vowel has to be changing or contradicting the a. Some long a words are - lake, take & make. There are many words with the long a sound that don't follow that pattern such as mail hail and hair as well as pail.

How many other English words can be made with the word CAT?

Three, they are: Act, At, Ta

Is cat food a compound word or two words?

two words

How many 4 letter words can you make from cat in the hat?

Four letter words that can be made from the letters 'cat in the hat' are:acheacneantecanecant (also can't)catecentchatchinchitciteeachetchhatehathheathintinchitchneatnicetactteattentthanthatthenthintinetint

What is the word in which that a picture in your mind by words?


What are some words for cat?

Some words for cat are: kitty, kitten, cute , furry, lovable, etc... any word that is related to what a cat is!

What word means to make more of with the word cat in it?

duplicate DUPLI CAT E