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Torterra can't learn Surf by HM. However, you could teach Turtwig Surf by breeding.

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Q: How do you teach Torterra to use Surf?
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The move tutor on Route 228 will teach your Torterra Frenzy Plant.

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You have to get the move Surf. Then teach it to a Pokemon. After that if there is a place where you want to Surf press A.

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use the move where the jaws snap together or see if u can teach torterra some rock type moves.

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Surfing MudkipTrade it to a friend, who can use the Surf HM to teach your Mudkip Surf, and then trade it back to your game. If you already have a Surf HM, then use it.

Can you teach Latia HM Surf?

yes you can teach it surf AND fly

Pokemon who learns surf by levelling up?

There is no such Pokemon. Either you get the HM03 and teach it to one of your Pokemon, or you'll be unable to use Surf.

How can torterra learn frenzy plant?

The Move Tutor in a building on Route 228 will teach Torterra Frenzy Plant. (If you are playing Diamond or Pearl, that is.)

What lvl does torterra learn leaf storm?

Lv. 57 is the level when Torterra learns leaf storm but you can also teach it frenzy plant

How do you get floatzel with surf?

Teach FLoatzel HM03 Surf

How do you find a water Pokemon in ruby after you get surf?

Use a fishing rod to fish for Pokemon. This will allow you to capture a water Pokemon that you can teach Surf to.

How do you get a surf pokemon?

Well, you get a water pokemon. Then, teach it Surf. >_>