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teach it the HM surf

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Q: How do you train bibarrel to surf in Pokemon platnium?
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Which Pokemon can surf in Pokemon Platinum?

Almost all water type Pokemon can learn surf. However, an even better Pokemon is bibarrel, the evolve form of bidoof.I think it evolves into bibarrel at level 18 but not too sure. Bibarrel can leatn almost every HM. I have a bibarrel and it is a wonderful HM slave. It knows surf, waterfall, strength, and rock climb. I also have a bidoof that knows cut, rock smash, and a couple of useless moves. If you need an HM slave, I GREATLY recommend using bidoof, bibarrel, or both. Bidoof and Bibarrel = Great HM Slaves!!! Add on: hay if you picked piplup as ur starter get it to lv80 for stat reasons then it is stronge an it can learn any hm but fly and defog

Where is giga on Pokemon platnium?

ROUT 209 you need surf

How do you get to route 222 on Pokemon platnium?

go to snadgem town then go down until you reach a beach the surf

How do you get to canalave city without surf on pokemon platnium?

if you are talking about in Soulsilver or HeartGold then you can bike there without surf but if you talking bout a different one then you cant get there at all.

Can you get blizzard in Pokemon platnium?

yes, surf on one of the lakes, and there should be a grassy patch on the other side, but i forgot wich lake.

Where to see barbroach?

in Pokemon diamond,pearl,and platnium you can get barboach when you first meet Cyrus in a cave. just use surf or fishing rod.

How do you train a Squirtle?

walk in grass or surf and battle other pokemon

How can you get Lugia in platnium?

Use surf to find lugia, there might be a mountain.

Where can you see a feebas in Pokemon platnium?

go to the basement of mt cornet [place you use defog]then surf around and use ya best fishin rod =p

Can Magikarp learn surf?

Not in platnium for sure, the other game versions I am not sure of.

How do you evolve a duscklops on Pokemon platnium?

well first give your dusclops a reapter cloth (get the cloth from lake acuity top right corner use surf) after giving trade it and it evolves

How do you get surf in Pokemon Naranga?

first get the lapras from Tracy then train it to lvl 20 or ten im not well i