There is no such Pokemon. Either you get the HM03 and teach it to one of your Pokemon, or you'll be unable to use Surf.
you'll get a cranidos in the under ground in Pokemon platinum. just keep on levelling it up till it learns headbutt.
Golduck does not learn Surf by levelling up. You must teach it Surf by using the HM.
Slowpoke does not learn Surf by levelling up, but it can learn Surf via HM in all generations.
It does not evolve at a specific level. It can evolve anytime after level 33 (when it learns ancientpower) into Yanmega by levelling up with Ancientpower in its moveset.
Many evolution stone pokemon, like Ninetales, and Simisear, do not learn moves by levelling, meaning you need to level the preform up until it learns the moves you want, and only then use the evolution stone.
you'll get a cranidos in the under ground in Pokemon platinum. just keep on levelling it up till it learns headbutt.
You cannot not get another TM-28 [Dig]. However you can get your Pokemon to learn dig by breeding it with a Pokemon that learns it through levelling-up. mAvOoP
Golduck does not learn Surf by levelling up. You must teach it Surf by using the HM.
Slowpoke does not learn Surf by levelling up, but it can learn Surf via HM in all generations.
It does not evolve at a specific level. It can evolve anytime after level 33 (when it learns ancientpower) into Yanmega by levelling up with Ancientpower in its moveset.
Your Pokemon learn it from levelling up
Many evolution stone pokemon, like Ninetales, and Simisear, do not learn moves by levelling, meaning you need to level the preform up until it learns the moves you want, and only then use the evolution stone.
Can only be learnt by levelling up certain Pokemon
No, there is no Pokemon that can learn Surf by level up.
Try using Rare Candies for easy levelling. :)
Zubat, Golbat, Gastly, Haunter, Gengar, Jynx, Crobat, Umbreon, Murkrow, Misdreavus, Smoochum, Sableye, Duskull and Dusclops all learn Mean Look by levelling up.
Abra actually learns no moves at all from levelling up, but can be hatched with Ice/Thunder/Fire Punch or Knock Off as Egg Moves, or be given a move such as Thief via TM.