She lives in Goldenrod, in a small, yellow house, to the Right of the Department store. You pass it going to the Bike Shop.
goldenrod city in a house there is a lady
If you're talking about the Poketch app, talk to the girl closet to the door in the Pokemon center of eterna city. If you just want to find out how happy your Pokemon are, talk to Dr. Footstep, somewhere on the beach east of pastoria city.
Northcoast town
Umm you find the name rater in some town i do believe it is in the one with the saffari zone
You'll find the name rater at Castelia City. It's the building north of Central Plaza on the left.
goldenrod city in a house there is a lady
Find the name rater.
The name rater is in Agate village in both Colosseum and XD
If you're talking about the Poketch app, talk to the girl closet to the door in the Pokemon center of eterna city. If you just want to find out how happy your Pokemon are, talk to Dr. Footstep, somewhere on the beach east of pastoria city.
Northcoast town
Umm you find the name rater in some town i do believe it is in the one with the saffari zone
You'll find the name rater at Castelia City. It's the building north of Central Plaza on the left.
You can't find Mew in Pokemon Silver.
You should go and find the Name Rater, then rename it back.
there is not a secretpotion in Pokemon silver Daniel robertson
Eterna City. There is A Building With A Sign That Says,"Name Rater." OR WHATEVER! xD If You Find It Somewhere in Eterna City, I'm Sure You Get To Change Your Pokemon's Nickname! :) Ya Happy Now?
You find Moltres in Mt. Silver.