To have music in your igloo on Club Penguin you must be a member. Click the edit igloo button on the bottom right corner in your igloo, choose the igloo you want to add music to and click the 'Edit' button. On the left margin, below your igloo inventory, you see a musical note icon. Click the music you want to add to your igloo. If you want to remove it, just click the same music again, or click another song. You can even play your own saved mixes in your igloo from DJ3K (members).
I realize it says in Club Penguin. Unlike the other idiot who answered but no. No houses in Club Penguin have any secret rooms......
This answer is unknown in Club Penguin history. You cannot play any games with a white puffle on Club Penguin
No there isn't trust me as a meber of the Club Penguin team
You have to buy Club penguin toys, clothing, figures, or books, or any Club penguin things, If they do they'll come with a code, which you will have to enter on Club penguin to get the treasure book. Hope this helped!
I'm not positive if they have any because you know how club penguin alone is...
I realize it says in Club Penguin. Unlike the other idiot who answered but no. No houses in Club Penguin have any secret rooms......
No, there are not any guns on club penguin.
You get the code from any club penguin book.
there is not any jigsaws at the fair on club penguin
Yes, any Club Penguin member who does not follow the rules would be unwanted and probably banned from the Club Penguin site.
There aren't even any levels on club penguin!
There is no club penguin membership code.
Since club penguin is a children's site, there aren't really any 'guns' or 'weapons' on club penguin.
Club penguin. The original club penguin game is Penguin chat, it isn't as good but I find it amusing. :)
There is: dizzywood club penguin and club penguin planet
there is not a club penguin card in Indonesia any more. but there used to be!!