No, Emboar is not a Legendary Pokemon, it's just a fully evolved Starter Pokemon.
IT would HAVE to be Zekrom the legendary pokemon
emboar can breed with ditto samurott an superior and another emboar and other pokemon that have a ground egg group
Pignite evolves into Emboar at level 36.
19 to Pignite and 36 to Emboar :)
It is a rare pokemon, but it is not a legendary pokemon
Emboar is a firer type
IT would HAVE to be Zekrom the legendary pokemon
No, Emboar is the final evolution of Tepig. Tepig evolves into Pignite which evolves into Emboar.
no because emboar is a fire type pokemon which is sceptiles weakness and it does way more attack than sceptile, plus emboar is a fifth gerenation pokemon .
emboar can breed with ditto samurott an superior and another emboar and other pokemon that have a ground egg group
The strongest Pokemon on Pokemon white is Emboar. This be another person. I understand the love for emboar but if you train it a lot and make it friendly to you, the strongest pokemon (in my humble opinion) is Kyurem.
Pikachu was the 25th Pokemon.
Emboar is #500 in the national pokedex, and it is a Fire-Fighting type Pokemon.
Emboar beats serpirior, serpirior beats samerott, and samerott beats emboar. So I would suggest emboar or reshiram.
Emboar can only learn Wild Charge from a TM.
no. tepig evolves into pignite at lvl 17 and pignite evolves into and emboar at lvl 36 but emboar cannot evolve any further.