emboar can breed with ditto samurott an superior and another emboar and other pokemon that have a ground egg group
i don't think he can learn it leveling up you can breed a pokemon with hammer arm and boy or girl emboar
No, Emboar is not a Legendary Pokemon, it's just a fully evolved Starter Pokemon.
pignite evolves into emboar at Lv.36 dewott and servine also. .... game on.
tepig evolves into pignite at level 17 and pignite evolves into emboar at level 36.
Tepig evolves into Pignite and Emboar Tepig evolves at level 17 to pignite and pignite evolves to emboar at 36.
Yes. you can breed ditto with just about anything even starters
i don't think he can learn it leveling up you can breed a pokemon with hammer arm and boy or girl emboar
well if you go to giant chasm and find a ditto then if the Pokemon's got a gender cymbal then yes i breed my emboar and it worked and you might be able to breed tornados as he is male I'm not exactly sure
Emboar is a firer type
No, Emboar is the final evolution of Tepig. Tepig evolves into Pignite which evolves into Emboar.
No, Emboar is Tepig's final evolution.
emboar learn flamethrower at levle 43.
Emboar doesn't learn fire fang so you can't have it learn fire fang!
Emboar beats serpirior, serpirior beats samerott, and samerott beats emboar. So I would suggest emboar or reshiram.
no because emboar is a fire type pokemon which is sceptiles weakness and it does way more attack than sceptile, plus emboar is a fifth gerenation pokemon .