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Q: Does Metagross learn fire punch
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Can Metagross learn thunderbolt?

Metagross cannot learn Thunderbolt. Metagross can learn only two Electric-type moves; Magnet Rise and Thunder Punch. Magnet Rise can be taught by using a Move Reminder NPC. Thunder Punch can be taught by using a Move Tutor NPC in the various Pokemon games where they are available.

Can flareon learn fire punch?

No, Flareon cannot learn Fire Punch

What level does a duramaka learn fire punch?

Darumaka learn fire punch at level 22Hope I helped

How do you learn fire punch on Pokemon diamond?

You can only "learn" Fire Punch in Diamond via breeding a Pokemon with another who already knows Fire Punch (Magmar for example)

What is the best moves to teach a Metagross on blue rescue team?

well for one meteor punch which it will learn and possible earthquake

When does typhlosion learn fire punch?

IN GOLD VERSIONNo, it can't but, you can go to celadon mart and buy it to him. Cyndiquill and Quilava can't learn fire punch, but Typhlosion can.

What level does metagross learn earthquake?

Metagross can only learn Earthquake with the use of a TM.

How does Infernape learn fire punch?

Move Tutor.

How do you make Alakazam learn Fire Punch on Pokemon FireRed?

The only way Alakazam can learn Fire Punch is through a Move Tutor on Pokemon Emerald Version.

Can Hawlucha learn Fire Punch through breeding?


What level does Blaziken learn fire punch?

lvl. 63

Where do you get fire punch in FireRed?

Fire Punch is not an TM or HM in Pokemon FireRed. It is learned by level up or by breeding for Pokemon that can learn it.