The only way Alakazam can learn Fire Punch is through a Move Tutor on Pokemon Emerald Version.
Fire Punch is not an TM or HM in Pokemon FireRed. It is learned by level up or by breeding for Pokemon that can learn it.
A Pokemon has to learn it as it levels up
yes, it dose learn focus punch in pokemon pearl.
move tutor in second island
Level 33
Fire Punch is not an TM or HM in Pokemon FireRed. It is learned by level up or by breeding for Pokemon that can learn it.
Kadabra and Alakazam both learn Psychic at level 40.
Jolteon can't learn Spark on Pokemon FireRed.
A Pokemon has to learn it as it levels up
- Pound 10 Transform 20 Mega Punch 30 Metronome 40 Psychic 50 Ancientpower
yes, it dose learn focus punch in pokemon pearl.
The best moves for Gyarados in FireRed, LeafGreen, Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald is this moveset that relies on Gyarados' high Attack Stat, since the Physical/Special split hasn't taken effect on the Gen III games. Dragon Dance Hyper Beam Earthquake Thrash
move tutor in second island
Alakazam, Gengar, KAdabra, sneasel, sandslash and others
You can only "learn" Fire Punch in Diamond via breeding a Pokemon with another who already knows Fire Punch (Magmar for example)