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Q: How does Infernape learn fire punch?
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Can flareon learn fire punch?

No, Flareon cannot learn Fire Punch

What moves do Infernape learn?

Well Infernape can probably learn flamethrower,fame wheel,ember and etc. Since Infernape is a strong Pokemon and he is fire type he probably can learn a ton of fire type moves. Hope this helps!

What level does a duramaka learn fire punch?

Darumaka learn fire punch at level 22Hope I helped

What level does infernape learn earthquake?

Infernape doesn't learn earthquake. The moves he does learn are close combat at level 41, Fire Spin at level 53 and Flare Blitz at level 57. Fire Pokemon can't learn ground moves unless there part ground or rock type. Infernape is Fire and Fighting. "Fire Pokemon can't learn ground moves unless there part ground or rock type. Infernape is Fire and Fighting." Absolutely incorrect! One, many Pokemon can learn Earthquake regardless of type (e.g. Gyarados, Drapion, Sceptile) through TM21. The same goes for Infernape.

How do you learn fire punch on Pokemon diamond?

You can only "learn" Fire Punch in Diamond via breeding a Pokemon with another who already knows Fire Punch (Magmar for example)

Does Metagross learn fire punch?


What level does infenape learn fire blast?

Infernape doesn't learn Fire Blast on his own, you will have to use TM38 to learn it to him. You cannot make it learn Fire Blast through breeding either.

What level does Infernape learn fire spin?

I am pretty sure I got fire spin at lvl 42

When does typhlosion learn fire punch?

IN GOLD VERSIONNo, it can't but, you can go to celadon mart and buy it to him. Cyndiquill and Quilava can't learn fire punch, but Typhlosion can.

Is Infernape stronger than blaziken?

Blaziken and infernape can both learn flying attack and gound attacks but to me i say it is tie they are both fire and fighting

How do you make Alakazam learn Fire Punch on Pokemon FireRed?

The only way Alakazam can learn Fire Punch is through a Move Tutor on Pokemon Emerald Version.

What level does Infernape learn Mach Punch?

Because the Pokemon Infernape is first obtainable at level 36 when Monferno evolves, its moveset for moves prior to level 36 must be learned prior to its evolution. Chimchar, its first evolution, does not learn Mach Punch, and must evolve to Monferno at level 14. It learns Mach Punch immediately upon evolving.