If you have a bad egg, your game card is finished, you can never get rid of a bad egg.
A Bad Egg is a Horrible Egg whch you can get at a very rare chance or by hacking and cheating that when hatches, the game crashes and/or your save file gets deleted, so when you get one, restart the game or start a new adventure! D:
nope, your family will stay the same but if you start a new game, the sims 3 families that you made wont be in the new game that you start.
You start a new game and start over.
hit new game
all you have to do is start a new game and save on your new game file what is a new game file?
A Bad Egg is a Horrible Egg whch you can get at a very rare chance or by hacking and cheating that when hatches, the game crashes and/or your save file gets deleted, so when you get one, restart the game or start a new adventure! D:
you don't want a bad egg trust me i got 1 my had to get a new game so never look where to get 1
Technically... its an egg that will never hatch. its the game telling u to stop cheating. You can NEVER get rid of it and so you'll have to either put it in your storage or start a new game-- transferring all of your Pokemon to a different game. ( I recommend putting it in storage.) Hope i helped!
You have to get a Nintendo gamecube with the game Pokemon box, start a new game and you'll get jirachi in a egg as a present.
I've heard of bad egg but I'm not a professor about bad egg. Here goes. 1* Restart the game. It doesn't work? 2*Hit your game. It doesn't work? 3* Hit your game with a hammer. It doesn't work? IT BROKE! 4*Buy a new game. It doesn't work? 5*Destroy your game console and buy a new game console. It doesn't work? 6* Just forget the game!
true my cousin got a bad egg he had to get a all new game card so if you want to wast money do what answer 1 sed dont say i didn't worn ya
migrate all your Pokemon except for an egg or a level 1 Pokemon and then start new game with another starter.
Well you could just start a new game, which would erase all of your old data (if you saved). If you start a new game in Pokemon Ranger and save it, it will not work. You must delete the old game data first. You can do this by pressing the Start + Select + L + R buttons. Be aware that you can never retrieve that information again. The good news is that you still have the Ranger Net missions and the Manaphy egg, if you completed that mission.
Try cleaning your game becareful with it, Try restarting your game not literally press New Game and remake a file, If it never goes away NEVER EVER HATCH IT JUST LEAVE IT ALONE.
No reason. If you own a Scrabble game, you can start a new game any time you like.
nope, your family will stay the same but if you start a new game, the sims 3 families that you made wont be in the new game that you start.