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A Bad Egg is a Horrible Egg whch you can get at a very rare chance or by hacking and cheating that when hatches, the game crashes and/or your save file gets deleted, so when you get one, restart the game or start a new adventure! D:

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Q: What is bad egg in ruby?
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What happens when you get bad egg in ruby?

the game well reset and your save will be deleted

Is there any way to regain your save file after a bad egg in Pokemon ruby?


Is the bad egg in Pokemon ruby a good thing to get?

No! dont try to hatch it either it will crash your game

Egg Pokemon ruby?

the egg in Pokemon ruby is wynaut, the pre-evolved form of wobuffet

What does the Bad Egg do in Pokemon?

You can get the bad egg in the games: ruby, Sapphire, emerald, diamond, pearl, and i think platinum, and possibly heartgold and have the bad egg when: it hatches like every 2 steps you take. another egg hatches from the egg. you can never deposit your bad egg in your Pokemon storage thingy, because it won't let you, although you can trade with other people. and if you have the bad egg, then your the unluckiest person , because the bad egg will freeze your game, and delete your save file. so all that work you did in your file, will all be deleted.

What is the egg colour of the Siberian Ruby Throat?

The egg color of a Siberian Ruby-throated Hummingbird is white.

What does the egg in ruby hatch into?


Can latias have an egg in Pokemon Ruby?


Can a bad Egg in Pokemon hatch?

usually a bad egg can not hatch, a bad egg is NOT A WIFI EVENT, if bad eggs do hatch the game will either freeze or will hatch into another bad egg other Pokemon eggs at the time of a bad egg may hatch into bad eggs instead of Pokemon.There is no such thing as a bad egg in Pokemon.A bad egg can never hatch from itself it will just stay as a egg

What is a bad egg in firered?

There is no such thing as a bad egg.

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