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Q: Can wingull learn fly in Pokemon emeral?
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Can wingull learn fly?


How do you fly a wingull in Pokemon emerald?

You cannot FLY a Wingull. Any bird Pokemon that you may have, Swellow, Wingull, Pelipper? You can use a HM named 'Fly' this enable's you to fly to any place you may have visited before. x

Which Pokemon can learn HM fly in Pokemon emerald?

Here is the list of Pokemon who can learn Fly: Salamence Rayquaza Crobat Zatu Skarmory Taillow Swellow Wingull Pelliper Vibrava Flygon Swablu Altaria I made Swellow and Flygon Learn IT.

What moves can wingull learn?

Wingull can learn many moves, some of which include hurricane, water gun, air slash, and wing attack. Other moves Wingull is able to learn are scald, and fly.

How do you learn the hm fly?

Do you want to know how to use the HM or how to find it? To use it go to your menu. Then bag. Then TMs and HMs pocket and teach it to a Pokemon capable of learning fly.. examples.. Wingull or Delibird

What level does your wingull learn to fly?

Just use the HM. You might have to evolve him first though.

Where is the wingull of the guy in fortree city?

In one of the treehouses in Fortree City is a man with a Wingull. Talk to the Wingull, and it will fly off out of the treehouse. When you get to Mossdeep City, you will see a person with a Wingull. Talk to it and it will fly off as well. Then go back to Fortree City and into the treehouse where you talked to the first Wingull. Talk to the man next to the Wingull, and he will give you the Mental Herb, and item which is a hold item that prevents attraction on the Pokemon that is holding it.

Which baby Pokemon can learn the move Fly?

No baby Pokemon can learn Fly

Can dugtrio learn fly in Pokemon FireRed?

No, Dugtrio cannot learn Fly. Only Flying-type Pokemon, of which Dugtrio is not, are able to learn Fly.

Can beedrill learn fly in Pokemon firered?

No, beedrill can not learn fly. The only HM it can learn is fly.

Can the pokemon beautifly learn fly?

No, beautifly cannot learn fly.

Can the Pokemon beautifly learn the move fly?

No, Beautifly cannot learn Fly.