In one of the treehouses in Fortree City is a man with a Wingull. Talk to the Wingull, and it will fly off out of the treehouse. When you get to Mossdeep City, you will see a person with a Wingull. Talk to it and it will fly off as well. Then go back to Fortree City and into the treehouse where you talked to the first Wingull. Talk to the man next to the Wingull, and he will give you the Mental Herb, and item which is a hold item that prevents attraction on the Pokemon that is holding it.
it is close at the fortree city it is close at the fortree city it is close to fortree city
The Weather Center is located in between Mauville City and Fortree City on Route 119. It is closest to Fortree City
a guy gives you goggles to use for the thing blocking the path (its actually a Kecleon!)
you can find wingull in that giant patch of grass when you go right after you go to pastoria city
Its not in a city, its southwest from Fortree city.
the house with all the wingulls is at the bottom of the route you go up to get to Fortree City
it is close at the fortree city it is close at the fortree city it is close to fortree city
Fortree City is a location exclusive to Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald. This means it is impossible to visit Fortree City on Pokemon Diamond.
it is left of fortree city
Fortree fortree city
Wrong game! Fortree city is in ruby, sapphire and emerald not leafgreen.
Fortree town is not a city or town in Platinium. Fortree town was a town on Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald.
When you first arrive in Fortree City you will be unable to get into the gym. In order to do so you must first get the Devon Scope.
The Weather Center is located in between Mauville City and Fortree City on Route 119. It is closest to Fortree City
there is a puzzle pass fortree city
At fortree city.