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Gateway walkthrough:

Stage 1 & 2: self-explanatory/guided by game developer.

Stage 3: combine the batteries with the remote and drag it over the red light on the door.

Stage 4: Press the furthest right button, then press the furthest left button.

Stage 5: There is a rectangle tile on the floor and two rectangular rings around it. Walk into the center. Then walk to the middle ring. Walk back into the center and notice the color change. Continue walking back and forth until the center is pink, then do the same for the middle and outermost ring until the middle is yellow and the outermost is green.

Stage 6: go to the telescope and look into it. you see a gray robot sleeping at the right bottom corner. click on anywhere to exit, then look into the telescope again. if you look at the same corner now, the robot will be standing behind the window staring at you (I recommend you to toggle off the sound, it actually scared me... -.-) move your mouse away and then look back at the corner again. the robot is gone, but he left the word 'PEEPER' on the window. Look at the words backwards and type in the numbers into the keypad.

Stage 7: Push the walkway. go all the way to the right edge of the middle floor and notice the change of color on two of the tiles on the floor. Walk back and forth until those tiles are the same color, go back to the right door and walk through it. You will come out from the left door. go back to the middle to remove the colors on the tiles and go through the left door.

Stage 8: Collect all the pearls. Use the huge pearl on the third box; the large pearl on the first; the big pearl on the fifth; the medium pearl on the second; the small pearl on the sixth and the tiny pearl on the fourth.

Stage 9: Go to the TV and pick up the screwdriver on it (might need to hover around a bit with your mouse). use the screwdriver on the service patch. open the service patch and get the extension cord. Pick up the power cord and use it on the extension cord. Go to the power outlet and use the plug on it. Go watch the TV. Press on 9 and you'll see the driveway of a house. Press on 5, you see an orange robot walking. follow her by testing out on the channels. write them down in the order she appears. (if you can't follow her, you can exit the TV and watch it again, it always starts over starting with channel 5) Go back to the keypad and type in 9 first, then the sequence the orange robot appears in the TV. (which is........... 954271)

Stage 10: if you walk over certain patch of the floor, it changes color the the light bulb above it flashes. Notice the different number of times each bulb flashes. (I recommend you to take a piece of paper and write out the number of flashes of each light bulb in a hexagon. mine: (starting with the northernmost light bulb, clockwise) 6, 4, 1, 3, 5, 2. Now walk over a random tile and record the color each step changes into. mine: 1)red 2)green 3)purple 4)yellow 5)blue 6)pink. Now walk around going back and forth to make the tiles on the floor the color it is supposed to be. ie: the northernmost light bulb flashes 6 times, which means that tile should be the sixth color, which is pink. Another example: the upper right light bulb flashes 4 times, which means the tile should be the fourth color, which is yellow. So complete all the tiles and an elevator will appear in the heart of the room. COMPLETE!

Gateway 2 walkthrough:

If you start a new game, it will ask you about skipping the tutorial part. I just skipped it.

Stage 1: You appear in a room with three closed doors and a static door and a TV. Go through the static door. Press the button and go through the door. You'll be in a bathroom. Collect the bathroom mirror on the counter. Then use the sink. Turn on the warm water tap, after a while, a passcode shows up on the mirror. Use that passcode on the keypad on the cupboard below the sink. Get the video tape. Go back to the hallway with the light bulb. The orange robot will suddenly be in front of the static door. When you try to go near the static door, she walks through it and the door shuts, then an eye appears above the door. Go stand directly below the light bulb, and notice the bathroom mirror in your inventory shines. use the mirror on the eye, and it will reopen the static door. Go into the room with the TV, and use the video tape on the slot. Press the transfer button once, and start viewing the tape by pressing the channel buttons. You'll learn that the orange robot's name is Laura, and something about a car accident, and that Laura's mother is very manipulative. After watching both tapes, exit the TV and the furthest right door will be opened.

Stage 2: This is a hallway with an opaque red walkway. If you walk over the red walkway, it becomes solid red and the door at the right closes. Walk back and forth to get all the walkway opaque so the door at the right remains open.

Stage 3: You appear in a room with a sofa. Go open the cupboard on the upper left corner and pick up the screwdriver. Pick up the newspaper and lighter on the table, then look at the painting on the right wall. It has three pyramids with the numbers 7,8 and 6 on them. Use the newspaper on the DOOR (not the lock, mind you). Then use the screwdriver on the lock. Pick up the newspaper again and you'll get the key, too. Open the door with the key.

Stage 4: You appear in a room with nothing. Don't fear, just go to the right edge and walk on. A black walkway will appear as you go. Here it might get tricky, but walk back and forth to get the other end of the walkway appear. Pick up the video tape and go back to the room with the TV. When you arrive at the hallway with the opaque red road, Laura appears on the other side of the room again. She'll walk away eventually. Continue to the room with the TV. Watch the TV and remember to eject the empty tape you got before. Insert the new tape and transfer it, then watch it. You learn that Laura's mother was once a math tutor, is going crazy, and the blue robot's name is Mike. And also Laura kind of feel bad about her mother, but she wants to leave. Exit the TV screen and the upper right door will open.

Stage 5: You appear in a room with a lamp and a table. Look at the table. You see that Laura has left a note, saying that her mother is watching and to 'blink' three times before you something... (the note was torn off). Exit the table screen and switch the lamp on-and-off for three times. A reply will come from the darkness with three equal blinks like the ones you did, then your lamp turns on by itself and is stuck. Look at the table again. Pick up the pen and color the torn out section of the note black. you see that Laura's handwriting has left a mark deep enough for you to retrieve the number. Pick up the phone receiver and dial that number. The call works and the other side dialed in something, then the door at your right opens.

Stage 6: You appear in a hallway with red alarm lights, an alarm override, a light bulb and a sprinkler. Use your lighter on the sprinkler and the door at the right will open.

Stage 7: You appear in a kitchen, go grab the video tape. When you try to exit, two huge eyes suddenly pop out behind the windows (scared the hell out of me...) and the exit door will close. open the fridge door and hide behind the fridge for a while. The eyes will close and the door will reopen.

Stage 8: The sprinkler is still set off. Stand directly under the light bulb and use the bathroom mirror on the water. A light spectrum is reflected. Use the light sequence on the alarm override (top-to-bottom in the spectrum as for left-to-right in the override. the first two colors might be confusing, it's blue then purple). Head back for the room with the TV. Laura will appear again in the room with the telephone and lamp. Continue to the room with TV, load in the tape and watch it. One of the clips will show a car crashed. And the other shows Laura being driven home by Mike and her mom bitching on her about hanging out with Mike. Exit the TV screen and the last door will open.

Stage 9: You appear in a room with a large window in the middle. Notice the three numbers above the door on the left. Look through the large window and you will see a robot behind a computer, and you have a control panel with a keypad, 'punish' key and 'reset' key on it. type in numbers in the keypad so that the equation on the computer adds up to the first of the three numbers above the left door. if the person messes up, punish him. When he gets it, a light bulb on the computer will light up. Press the reset key to erase the equation and start the next one. Repeat this procedure for the other two of the three numbers. The door on the left will be unlocked.

Stage 10: You appear in a room with a lamp, a telescope and a table. look through the telescope and you'll find yourself looking into the other telephone room you were once in. Laura will appear, and she will blink her lamp three times. Blink yours back three times, and hers will remain on. Look into the telescope again, and she picked up the phone. Your phone starts ringing. Pick it up, and look at the note. there are three lines on it, with double dots on certain ones. They are actually indicating the pitch of the numbers you should type in. ie: the first two dots indicates the number with the lowest tone, which is 1, the second two dots indicates the number with the middle tone, which is 5. (If you wanna save time, it's 1,1,5,5,9,9,1,1) The door at the left will open.

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