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I'm completely sure, I only know Heartgold but they have such a similar way to get things, After getting your seventh badge, go to Goldenrod City's radio station, team rocket will be there, beat ALL of team rocket, (INCLUDING THE EXECUTIVE!) someone will give you the rainbow wing.

In Silver and Soulsilver: go to Pewter City and talk to a man. The man will give you a Rainbow wing. In Silver Ho-oh will be Lv 70, so take Pokemon near its level.; In Soulsilver HO-OH is level 75! BE CAREFUL! My advice is to catch LUGIA with a great ball and catch HO-OH with your Master Ball. (unless you have cheats, then you can catch all Pokemon with a pokeball.)
You get the Rainbow Wing from an npc called Old Man in Pewter City.

In Pokemon HeartGold the rainbow wing can be obtained when you defeat Team Rocket at Goldenrod City, an event following on from the previous defeat of Team Rocket at Mahogany Town.

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Q: Where do you get the rainbow wing on Pokemon gold?
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How do you get a rainbow wing on Pokemon Gold?

You receive it after rescuing the Radio President

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Talk to an old man in pewter city.

How do you get ho oh Pokemon Gold?

You can catch him in Tin Tower if you have a Rainbow Wing.

How do you get the rainbow wing in Pokemon Heart Gold?

You get the rainbow wing from the radio tower director after you get rid of team rocket. (Same thing in soul silver).

How do you get rainbow wings in Pokemon?

Talk to the man standing by the entrance to Mount Moon, and he will give you the Rainbow Wing (Silver Version) or the Silver Wing (Gold Version)

How do you get the rainbow wing in Pokemon XD gale of darkness?

you can't that was only in gold and silver

Where is ho-ho in Pokemon Gold?

on the top of the tin tower you need a rainbow wing to get there

What is rainbow wing on Pokemon Gold?

The Rainbow Wing Is Used To Call Ho-Oh the legendary bird Pokemon in the other tower besides the burnt tower in Ecrutuak City. He Is Very Strong and a Legendary.

Can you get both the silver wing and the rainbow wing in Pokemon heart gold?

yes you get the rainbow wing early in the game but you cant get the the silver wing until you go to kanto post getting the the johto elite 4

Where do you get the rainbow wing on Pokemon Heart Gold?

You beat Team Rocket in the Radio Tower. And then the Owner of the Radio Tower or whatever he is gives you the Rainbow wing at the top of the Tower.