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Talk to the man standing by the entrance to Mount Moon, and he will give you the Rainbow Wing (Silver Version) or the Silver Wing (Gold Version)

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Q: How do you get rainbow wings in Pokemon?
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How do you get the rainbow Pokemon?

There is no rainbow pokemon.

Is rainbow dash a pegasus?

Yes she is. She has wings.

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Ho-Oh is the lengendary Rainbow pokemon. Its a bird

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I'm pretty sure that the rainbow-hued Pokemon is ho-oh.

What is Pokemon rainbow?

Pokemon rainbow is a made up game (some people hacked other Pokemon games and made it into Pokemon rainbow) they use colors as the title (Pokemon red blue green etc.) so they came up with Pokemon rainbow (the people not Nintendo or some other company) its not real (at least not yet! O_O)

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Rainbow Wing

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you get wings that are the same color as your bear (:

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HO-OH (the rainbow pokemon)

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to get the rainbow rapidash you have to get a rainbow ponyta and evolve it. it evolves at level 50.

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Pokemon save

Does Rainbow Dash have wings?

In "Friendship is Magic", she does but in older "My Little Pony"s, the answer is no.

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You have to get the Rainbow Pass to get to 4 Island in Pokemon.