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Ho-Oh is the lengendary Rainbow pokemon. Its a bird

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Q: What legendary Pokemon is like a rainbow?
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What is rainbow wing on Pokemon Gold?

The Rainbow Wing Is Used To Call Ho-Oh the legendary bird Pokemon in the other tower besides the burnt tower in Ecrutuak City. He Is Very Strong and a Legendary.

Do you need to have all the legendary Pokemon to get ho ho?

no you just need a clear bell and rainbow wing

What type of Pokemon is Ho-oh?

A rainbow legendary pokémon, Ho-Oh is a fire-flying type.

What are the legendary Pokemon you can get in Pokemon Platinum?

Got the website in related links. It will tell you where to find the legendary pokemon, what levels they are and what they look like.

What legendary Pokemon are in Pokemon Silver?

There are 3 ... you can get the Legendary Bird Pokemon ( HO-OH ) you can find it at the ten tower ... you must have a rainbow wing to enter the tower. but the other 2 Legendary Pokemon i don't think you can get them.

What legendary Pokemon is in tin tower Pokemon gold?

Ho-Oh, but you require the Rainbow Wing (meaning you need to have ended the Rocket Siege of the Radio Tower)

What Pokemon can breed on gold?

Any Pokemon that is not a legendary Pokemon can be bred. An example of a legendary Pokemon would be Heatran, or Ho-oh. Any normal Pokemon, like pikachu, can be bred.

Who has legendary Pokemon?

everyone should have at least one legendary like Ive 41

How do you get the rainbow Pokemon?

There is no rainbow pokemon.

Is shadinja a legendary Pokemon?

It is a rare pokemon, but it is not a legendary pokemon

Can legendary Pokemon have babies with ditto?

certain Pokemon can like phione and maniphy

What to do after you get the master ball in Pokemon emerald?

capture legendary Pokemon like rayquaza.