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Q: You had an accident when your policy was cancelled it was reinstated 24 hours later am you covered?
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You are insured as a second driver if you have an accident will you be covered?

As long as you are listed as a driver on the policy and an accident occurs in a covered vehicle, then yes you will be covered under the terms and conditions of the policy just as any other driver on the policy.

Do I need to report an accident to my insurance if I had the accident in my husbands car and his policy covered it?


If i drive my moms car and i live with her but im not on the policy and i get in an accident is the car covered?

If you are a licensed driver but not listed on the policy the vehicle will not be covered. If you are not licensed it will be covered.

What happens when you have insurance at the time of an accident and then it gets cancelled does the insurance still cover the accident?

Yes it does. The cancellation of an insurance policy is not retroactive.

If you have an accident and then reinstate your insurance are you covered?

If the accident occurred after your policy lapsed and before reinstatement, no, it won't.

Is there a lapse in coverage on an insurance policy if the policy was cancelled and then reinstated?

Technically, the policy lapsed. If a covered loss occurred before reinstatement, the insurer would arguably be justified in denying coverage. However, if the reinstatement was retroactive to the lapse date (which would probably occur if the reinstatement occurred quickly), and if you have been with the insured for some time, coverage may be extended to the intervening loss.

How can i get auto insurance if it has been cancelled on me due to non payment?

Contact your agent or companies policy services dept. and see if you can pay your premium and get reinstated, or if you can get a new policy. There are companies that will accept drivers that have been previously cancelled look around, contact some agents, but get some insurance !

Are drunk drivers covered under their auto insurance policy in an accident?


If you borrow a motorcycle and have an accident are you covered on their insurance?

Only if you are a named driver on the policy.

Will a insurance company fix damages to a vehicle that was covered at the time of an accident but then is later removed from the policy?

Yes, as long as the vehicle was on the policy when the damage occurred it will be covered.

If someone not on my policy is driving my vehicle and has an accident is the claim covered?

If your insurance policy has permissive use then another driver would be covered in your vehicle if they had an accident. I don't know about other states but in California they should not be living with you and they can not be excluded from your policy. One more thing, they MUST have a valid license.