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As long as you are listed as a driver on the policy and an accident occurs in a covered vehicle, then yes you will be covered under the terms and conditions of the policy just as any other driver on the policy.

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Q: You are insured as a second driver if you have an accident will you be covered?
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If an uninsured driver of an insured driver's car has an accident caused by another driver what will happen to the uninsured drivers license?

If the uninsured driver had the permission of the insured driver to operate the vehicle then NOTHING will happen to the uninsured driver. In fact, in this case he or she is not an uninsured driver at all. The insurance follows the vehicle first, the driver second.

If a vehicle that has been stolen is involved in a car accident and is at fault whose insurance will cover the damage to the second vehicle?

The second vehicle will be covered by it's own insurance. That company will then attempt to sue the driver to recoup it's losses

What is meant by second party In terms of accidents?

In terms of accidents, the second party refers to the person or entity who is involved in the accident alongside the first party (the person who caused the accident). The second party could be a driver, passenger, pedestrian, or any other individual affected by the accident.

Who is the check made out to in an accident?

depends......first party claims, either to insured and shop...just the shop......insured and lien holder, or insured only if no lien holder is present..........second party claims....can be to the owner only (generally) if requested.......

Can one person be insured with two separate car insurers. i.e my dad is insured and i want to get insured as a second driver on my own car on a new policy under my dad's name?

Yes, you can purchase as many policies as you want.

How do you collect on a car accident claim?

If your car is insured you need not to worry about accident claim. Company will start a verification process and if possible it'll pay your loss. Second option is you should hire private companies dealing in accident compensation claim.

Insured on 2 cars. What happens to my no claims bonus?

I am now insured on 2 cars as the main driver. My car I am the registered owner and keeper and have 12 years no claims bonus. On the second car I am not the legal owner or registered keeper and as my 12 years are on the other car I have 0 no claims on this one. The insurers are different. What will happen to my 12 years no claims on my car if I have an accident in the car that has 0?

San Diego Car Insurance Requirements?

Like most of the states in the Unites States, California has made it a requirement for every driver of a motor vehicle to possess liability car insurance at a minimum. Liability coverage pays for damages inflicted to the body and vehicle of the driver who is struck by the insured person. The minimum level of car insurance required in San Diego, and all of California, is as follows: $15,000 for medical expenses for a single occupant, and $30,000 for multiple occupants $5,000 in additional property damage, including vehicle repair Of course, as we noted, this is the minimum car insurance required for a driver to be legal on the road in California, and it is considerably less than what is first required in other parts of the country, and second less that what may be required for the victim to recover from the accident. While liability will pay for damages to the victim's vehicle, it leaves the insured driver responsible for the repairs to their own vehicle, which is not covered by liability-only insurance. Of course, in the event that the damages or medical expenses to the driver who was hit by the insured are higher than the amount of coverage provided, then the insured may also be sued and deemed responsible for the additional charges. Most drivers now also carry uninsured or under insured coverage to pay for the repairs caused by a driver who carries only liability coverage. The risk of being hit by someone who does not carry enough insurance to cover all expenses is far too great for many drivers, and so as a means of self- protection, many drivers now choose to add this rider onto their own car insurance policies so that they are covered, even if the insured driver who caused the accident is not. Collision and comprehensive motorist coverage is available to those who can pay for that level of insurance. Aside from accidents caused by the insured or others who may cause an accident, collision and comprehensive coverage can cover the insured's person and their vehicle in the case of an accident that involves no other motorist, such as veering off an icy road into a ditch or immovable object. Only liability car insurance coverage is required of San Diego drivers; however, every driver is strongly recommended to carry a policy greater than the minimum required – not only to protect others, but also to protect themselves and their loved ones.

Does your auto insurance company have to cover your son's accident even if he's not listed as a household driver?

No he have to listed as a second third or household driver for being cover by insurance

How am I liable in an accident in a rental car of not being listed as second driver on rental car contract?

If you are in an accident in a rental car and you are not listed as the driver, you will be held personally responsible for all costs incurred for both parties. This would apply whether you are at fault or not!

What happens if you get into an accident but only have a license but no insurance but the other person has a license and insurance?

Two problems... First, if the accident was in any way your fault, then you are on the hook for that percentage of the cost of the accident. Since most accidents are never 100% one person's fault, this could cost you thousands or more. Even though the other driver most probably has un-insured/under-insured coverage, you can be assured that he/she will subrogate the claim, and their insurance company will come after you for payment. Second, many states require insurance as a requirement for driving a car. Failure to have insurance is a chargeable offense, and you could be fined and/or jailed because of this. At minimum, you can expect that your license will be suspended or revoked.

Can you sue a passenger in the at fault vehicle?

only if the passenger contributed to the accident (smoking marijuana causing the driver to get high via second hand, distracting the driver, etc) and can be proved beyond a reasonable doubt.