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No he have to listed as a second third or household driver for being cover by insurance

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Q: Does your auto insurance company have to cover your son's accident even if he's not listed as a household driver?
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If the driver of a car is liable for an accident who is liable the owner of the car or the driver's insurance company?

The owner of the car is liable for the accident itself and the damage. However, the insurance company might have to pay for it, depending on the owners insurance cover.

If your auto is hit the other driver's auto insurance pays all medical expenses and so does your health insurance must you reimburse your company?

You do not have to reimburse your insurance company if the accident is the fault of the other driver and the claim is made on their insurance. If the accident is the fault of the other driver and their insurance does not cover everything and you make a claim on your insurance for reimbursement, your insurance will subrogate (collect back) from the other company.

How does the insurance company of a licensed driver look at an accident where the driver they covered is at fault in an accident where the driver not at fault has a suspended license will the insuranc?

It does not matter to an insurance company that the other driver had a suspended license. Liability is determined by the factors of the accident and the evidence put forth. The fact that the other driver had no license does not affect liability or the handling of the claim.

How does one file auto accident insurance claims?

After a car accident, one must immediately contact their insurance company to file an auto accident insurance claim, even when the other driver was at fault. Make sure to have all the other driver's insurance information so that the other company can thoroughly investigate.

Do you have to add your teenage driver to your insurance?

Yes. Some states will not cover an accident if a household member is not listed on the policy.

What if the driver at fault will not call their insurance company to report the accident?

If the other party is refusing to call their insurance company - then you should call their insurance company and file the claim.

If a taxi driver hits your car is it the drivers insurance or the owners insurance that covers the accident?

If a taxi driver hits you, and its his fault, the cab company's insurance pays.

Does the insurance agent submit the auto accident claim to the insurance company or do I ?

It is up to the driver to subit the auto accident claim. You should submit the claim as soon as possible after the accident.

Where does money come from in wrongful death car accident?

The insurance company of the driver "at fault,' or from their personal funds if they have no insurance.

Does a driver that is involved in an accident believe they r at fault?

Some do. I work for an insurance company and many will take ownership of the accident.

Do you have to add your child to your car insurance if they live at a diffent house hold but primary driver of the car?

Only if you expect your insurance to cover you if the child has an accident. You auto insurance contract states that you are responsible for listing all household members and drivers who drive your vehicles. If you do not do this then you have committed material misrepresentation and the insurance company is then not responsible for paying for the damage from the accident.

What happens if an excluded driver on your insurance policy cause an accident but you let them drive?

The insurance company is not liable to pay out any damages that were caused in the accident and they cancel your policy. This means that the driver bears the full financial burden for the costs of the accident.