You do not have to reimburse your insurance company if the accident is the fault of the other driver and the claim is made on their insurance. If the accident is the fault of the other driver and their insurance does not cover everything and you make a claim on your insurance for reimbursement, your insurance will subrogate (collect back) from the other company.
Work for a municipality in a job which requires you to get one. They'll cover or reimburse your expenses.
In my experience, non-profit organizations can reimburse expenses of this kind. There are usually two options for "gasoline expenses": a straight payment (we'll give you x dollars for this event) or a mileage rate (we'll give you x cents per kilometre/mile).
Information on insurance for Mexico drivers would be found on any insurance company offering international car insurance, 'Esurance' company for instance.
Fuel, insurance, maintenance and truck payment.
Some companies that advertise cheaper insurance for young drivers are FreeInsuranceQuotation, and LoansStore. These are all insurance companies that advertised on articles about cheap insurance for young drivers.
Not unless you alerted the insurance company, about him
Depends on the insurance company. There are companies that will insure unlicensed drivers.
If you have their drivers license and insurance card what else will you need to know their insurance company. Perhaps you did not list the question correctly for what you meant.
you can go ahead and contact the other drivers insurance company and determine the status of the claim.
Drivers who have been convicted of DUI are offered Non-Standard or High Risk Auto Insurance. One company who offers this deal would be The General Insurance. The General says yes when others say no. There is another popular company, convictioninsure which provides insurance to convicted drivers.
When a speeding citation is given, it is given to the driver... not the owner of the vehicle nor the person (or company) who is insuring the vehicle. Therefore, the driver's insurance and driving record will reflect the charge. If this person was driving a company vehicle (and therefore insurance paid by the company) then the companies insurance policy COULD be affected but not always. The cost of corporate insurance policies that cover multiple vehicle and/or drivers are determined by many factors such as # of vehicles, types of vehicles, company claim history, # of drivers and ages there of. Most companies must report their drivers information to the insurance company which will then check the drivers records which will then allow the insurance company to 'rate that driver' and asses a cost for insuring that driver. Some companies will refuse employ drivers with too many moving violations... or not let them drive company vehicles. I hope the answered your question.
If you live in the state of Virginia then yes you are able to get car insurance with a valid drivers license. You can visit any auto insurance company and get more information.