EMBEZZLE - The wrongful or willful taking of money or property belonging to someone else after the money or property has lawfully come into the possession or control of the person taking it.
Death comes differently to every single person in the world. It may come while sleeping, an accident, murder, or even suicide.
That's a broad question. But to cite two things, the finding of "defensive wounds" would suggest a wrongful death. Or the finding of wounds that could only have come from a sentient being, like a needle mark in the arm and poison in the system.
The term refers to the idea that accident lawyers run around looking for an accident that occured so they can make money from the person.
The Estate is responsible for any debt. So, for example, if they die and have $100,000 in the bank, that pays their debt before any money goes to the children. But the limit of the debt is/are the assets of the deceased. So if they have no money, the debt is NOT passed on to the children. Any money that comes as a result of the death MAY be required to be applied to the debt. The funeral expenses come first, then hospital expenses, then other debt. However, if there is a wrongful death suit, or insurance payout, you should check with a licensed attorney in your state.
NO!IT DOES NOT! my mother died because of some jerk doctor and as a result their was a wrongful death suit. the point is that with all the money it comes with a price and I would give all back in a heart beat just to have her back. or whatever or however you come by a lot of money, it makes youre life easyier but not happier take it from sombody who knows I used to say now you can go to anywhere you want or do anything you want but that's just not true.
EMBEZZLE - The wrongful or willful taking of money or property belonging to someone else after the money or property has lawfully come into the possession or control of the person taking it. >'Lectirc Law Lexicon< (e.g.- If you were hired as a company's bookkeeper and handled the company's funds, and using that trust you stole or mis-used the company's money - then you have committed embezzlement.)
The word "accident" comes from the Latin word "accidens," which means "falling upon" or "event."
yes and they usually do.
Long Term Disability policies cover you if you are put in a nursing home or need to have a nurse come to your home regardless of how you were put there. Accidental Death and Dismemberment policies are usually attached to auto policies and they pay you and your family money if you are killed or lose limbs in an automobile accident.
If you have had an accident and are in the hospital you can request a solicitor to come and visit with you. You may want to do this to start putting together your case if you are planning on suing somebody about your accident.
Death is sometimes seen as an escape from societal expectations, and the daily problems, like money problems etc, that people face each day.