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Two problems...

First, if the accident was in any way your fault, then you are on the hook for that percentage of the cost of the accident. Since most accidents are never 100% one person's fault, this could cost you thousands or more.

Even though the other driver most probably has un-insured/under-insured coverage, you can be assured that he/she will subrogate the claim, and their insurance company will come after you for payment.

Second, many states require insurance as a requirement for driving a car. Failure to have insurance is a chargeable offense, and you could be fined and/or jailed because of this. At minimum, you can expect that your license will be suspended or revoked.

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Q: What happens if you get into an accident but only have a license but no insurance but the other person has a license and insurance?
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What happens when there is a car accident but the person not at fault has insurance but no drivers license?

your still in trouble since you dont have a License,if you have a mean judge,

What happens to a person at fault for a car accident with no insurance?

Most likely nothing. It depends if the other person had insurance. The worst that would happen with a clean record is you license suspended no more than a year.

What happens if you get into an accident but only have a license but no insurance but the other person doesnt have a license or insurance Whos at fault?

Who has insurance and who has license, is a non factor in determining liability for the accident. The person who is at fault will be based upon the police report and who caused the accident. You have no insurance, and have left yourself wide open to a judgment against you that could cost you plenty. You chose to drive without insurance, and in doing so you will be require to accept responsibility for your actions. You do not even have uninsured motorist insurance to cover your damage even if the other driver is at fault and cannot pay. You were not insured, and will now pay for that mistake.

If you have an expired license and get into an accident will your insurance pay the claim if your policy is paid?

If you have a current insurance policy and are in a car accident, but have an expired license, it is up to the insurance company if they will pay the claim or not. It could be in their clause not to, if a person does not have a valid drivers license, especially if you are the one at fault.

What happens if you get in a car accident and you have insurance but no license?

If you have no licence you are driving illegally.Any insurance you may have taken out becomes null & void.Basically you arent insured even if you pay the premiums.Get a licence as you could end up with a law suit if you were to have an accident & hurt someone.As youre breaking the law, you could end up with police on your case too!

What happens when a person with a suspended license is involved in an accident in another person's car and is not at fault?

Actually, they are at fault, or so it's presumed - if their license is suspended, they shouldn't have been driving, hence, they should not have been there to have been involved in an accident. On top of that, they've voided their insurance policy by driving on a suspended license, so the expenses will likely end up coming out of pocket.

What happens if you have auto insurance but no drivers licnese and you get into an accident that is not your fault will the person at fault insurance still take care of the damages to your car?

You get a ticket and your insurance goes up. You can not drive without a license and if you cost the insurance company money they raise your premiums especially if you get a ticket

What happens if you have no auto insurance and no drivers license and you where in car accident but it was not your fault?

Sorry to say, Eva, but an uninsured car is not supposed to be on the public streets and a person with no license is not supposed to be driving a car. Since you contributed to the accident by violating these laws, you are at least partially at fault. The other driver's insurance company is going to deny any claim you submit.

What happens when you get hit by a person without license but the car has insurance?

If you have car insurance ,police will never stop you even if you dont have driving license.

What if someone rear ends you and you have no license but you have insurance the person who hit you has insurance?

AnswerNo brainer. The person who hit you is at fault. Doesn't matter if you have a license or not. Not having a license doesn't give the other driver a free shot at rear ending you.AnswerIn most states, insurance companies require a police report of an accident. To have a police report, the police have to go to the accident scene in order to write one. Most rear end accidents are the fault of the person who hit the rear of a car. However, if you did not report the accident to the police because you have no license, you may be out of luck with the insurance company.

How can you keep your car insurance if you lose your license?

Sorry, chances are you can't. Insurance companies are not going to assume that type of risk. And even if they did, and the person drove without a valid license and had an accident, the insurance would be invalid.

What if the person who hit you does not have a license but has insurance?

If the insurance policy is active and valid and the driver is a covered driver then you file your claim just as in any other accident.