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If you are a licensed driver but not listed on the policy the vehicle will not be covered. If you are not licensed it will be covered.

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Q: If i drive my moms car and i live with her but im not on the policy and i get in an accident is the car covered?
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If an 18yr old's parents are divorced neither parent add him to their policy father buys vehicle as secondary to his policy but lets 18yr old drive he has an at fault acc will it be covered?

Your question may depend on what state you live in and their laws. In Massachusetts, the 18yr old would be required to be on the insurance policy as an "occasional driver" in order for the car to be covered in an accident. I would check with the insurance company before letting the 18 year old drive the car. Your question may depend on what state you live in and their laws. In Massachusetts, the 18yr old would be required to be on the insurance policy as an "occasional driver" in order for the car to be covered in an accident. I would check with the insurance company before letting the 18 year old drive the car.

If your 17 year old does not live with you and drives your car do you have to add him to the policy?

If you want him to have insurance cover in the event of an accident you should add him to your policy. Any body that is not on your insurance policy should NOT drive your car, if they have an accident you'll have big problems.

Can I drive my parent's car if they are in the car when I am not insured but they are?

Everyone in your household must be listed on your insurance policy if they have a license. For example, if you live with your parents, you may not be covered if you are not listed on their insurance policy. On the other hand, if you live separately you could use their car with their permission and be covered.

If you live in NJ and a relative with a MA license but no insurance is staying with you is he covered under your insurance when driving your car?

Yes, they would be covered as long as they only drive occasionally. If they drive more than 12 times out of the year, they would need to be rated on your policy in order for them to be covered.

If you loan your car to a step-child who does not live with you will the insurance company cover in case of an accident?

Anyone you give permission to is covered on your policy. Family members are certainly covered, even step children no living with you. Do not use this availability as primary insurance for them though. They should be listed on the residential parent's policy.

If you only carry liability insurance on a vehicle can you let your child drive it if they do not live with you?

All drivers should be listed on your policy to be a covered driver. you should add your child to your auto policy for proper coverage.

Is my daughter covered under my insurance if she is not on the policy and does not live with me?

No chance.

Do you have to live with your parents in order to use their insurance coverage in an accident?

You do not have to live with them as long as you are listed on the policy.

Are you covered by your parent's auto insurance in their car if you no longer live at home?

if you are listed as a driver on their policy, you are covered

Can you drive a car your daughter has just purchased if you have your own insurance?

Yes, at least in Mass the insurance coverage goes with the driver and not with the car. However, if you and daughter live together, you must both be on the policy to be covered in the car that has the insurance policy.

Do you have to live with your parents in order to use their insurance coverage in an accident i had an accident with rental car my parents insurance would cover?

You don't have to live there as long as you are listed on the policy.

As the registered owner of a vehicle with insurance what happens if your son is involved in an accident with your vehicle if he lives with his mother and is listed on her policy?

I am an Insurance Broker - dependant upon where you live, your son's accident will be covered, either by your policy (considering you have adequate coverage, or his mother's, considering her coverage) Here in Canada, no-fault allows our own insurer to cover the vehicle, no matter the driver.