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Yes it does. The cancellation of an insurance policy is not retroactive.

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Q: What happens when you have insurance at the time of an accident and then it gets cancelled does the insurance still cover the accident?
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What happens if I'm driving my friends car and i get into an accident but my license is suspended will her insurance cover the damage?

It all depends on her insurance cover

What companies offer life insurance that covers an accident?

The AAA life insurance offers insurance that will cover an accident, whether it be in the UK or when travelling. This means that when an accident happens, the AAA will take all responsibility and help through the payments etc.

What happens if you don't have insurance and you get into a car accident driving your friends car she has insurance?

As long as she has the correct insurance that allows the car to lent to a friend then it should cover you.

Does homeowners insurance cover hospital from a car accident?

No, Homeowners insurance is for the house. it does not cover cars or car accident claims.

What happens if the damages in an accident exceed the insurance coverage of the person at fault?

You need a life insurance policy to cover the risk of death and a health insurance policy as a cushion against hospitalisation expenses. Buy Personal Accident Insurance Coverage :

Can you get insurance at the scene for a accident?

Trying to get insurance to cover an accident that has already happened is Insurance Fraud, which is a Felony.

What happens when you hit someone in a car accident then find out you don't have enough insurance to cover all their damages?

Once your insurance has paid, you are responsible for the rest.

Will insurance cover an accident that occured at 730 a.m if the policy was bought the same day at 1130 I was recently in an accident and literally in the middle of switching insurance companies.?

No, but if you were switching companies, hopefully you didn't cancel the 1st one before the 2nd one took effect. Your first company should cover it if it wasn't cancelled yet.

What happens if you are in a car accident and you have insurance but the person who causes accident does not have insurance?

My plan was denied and it was not my fault it was the other drivers fault because police and show up to make a police report it is really his mind

Would insurance cover the accident if you were in an accident but were not on the insurance policy but you had your own vehicle and insurance on it?

If the car that was involved, in an acident was insured yea!

Does union fidelity cover both accident insurance and life insurance or life insurance only?

yes it do cover life insurance not health insurance.

What happens if i have insurance for a full license but i only have a provisional license and have had an accident?

The driver does not have proper insurance at this point. since the insurance did not cover provisional licenses, the insurance provider mask likely does not have to pay out on any claim.