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You are. Since you were unable to stop in time it means you were following too closely.

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Q: Who is at fault if you hit a car from behind after the car in front makes an emergency stop for a small animal?
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the driver behind is not at fault as the in front should be liable as he was negligent

If a driver in front stops suddenly and a collision occurs it is the fault of?

In the UK it is the fault of the driver behind Same here in the USA

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In the UK it is the fault of the driver behind Same here in the USA

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The car behind you

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The car that hit you from behind is at fault.

Who's fault if car-A behind hit your car after you change into his lane causing you to hit a car in front Car-A said you hit car in front first which caused him to hit you No witness Car in front left?

First, you shouldn't be cutting people off. Whom ever hit the other car from behind would be at fault.

Who is at fault in a rear end collision when sitting at a red light and a car hit from behind?

The car in the back is usually at fault in a rear end collision. The only exception would be if the car in front were backing up. The car in back is at fault for hitting you ,but if you are pushed into the car in front of you you are at fault for hitting that car.

I was hit from behind when I slow down on highway for no reason Is this my fault?

No, it is not your fault. If you are hit when driving in front of somebody, it is their fault, irregardless of whether you slowed down or not. Obviously you can't jump in front of somebody and slam on the brakes, but just slowing down does not permit somebody to ram you.

Who is at fault if you are stopped in traffic and someone behind you hits your car and you bump into the person in front of you?

If you are completely stopped, the person behind you will be at fault for BOTH cars since they didn't allow themselves enough time and space to stop safely.

Who at fault if a driver cut you off and stop and you hit him from behind?

you are, because you hit him/her from behind, you must ALWAYS leave enough room between the car in front of you and yourself.