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The car in the back is usually At Fault in a rear end collision. The only exception would be if the car in front were backing up.

The car in back is at fault for hitting you ,but if you are pushed into the car in front of you you are at fault for hitting that car.

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Q: Who is at fault in a rear end collision when sitting at a red light and a car hit from behind?
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Who is at fault in a rear end collision approaching a stop light?

If you hit someone from behind it is automatically your fault.

Can the abs light turn on a volkswagen after being hit from behind?

Yes - as the sensor could get damaged in the collision.

Who is at fault when on the red light a car hit you and you hit the car in front of you?

The car behind you

What happens if you have no auto insurance and a suspended license your sitting at red light and a car slams into the back of you and there is damage to your car driver admits its his fault?

You should have insurance whether it is your fault or not.

Is it your fault when someone hits you at a yellow light?

Depends. If you've stopped and they've crashed into you from behind, then no.

Who is at fault if someone runs a red light causing you to rear end the person in front of you who stopped short to avoid the person who rand the red light?

The person who ran the red light would be at fault for causing the initial collision. However, you could potentially be held partially at fault for the rear-end collision, as you are typically expected to maintain a safe following distance to allow for sudden stops. Insurance companies and the police report will determine the final liability based on the details of the accident.

Who is at fault if you are rear ended?

It depends on the situation. If you stoped short and got rear ended it is your fault. But if you stoped becasue the driver in front of you stoped then it is that persons fault. If you are sitting at a stop light and get rear ended it is there fault. If you are parked in a parking zone and get rear ended it is there fault. Hope this Helped

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Any color light can prevent a collision.

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Any color light can prevent a collision.

If driver A runs a red light but driver B has no driver license but stays at the scene of the accident and both get traffic violations who is at fault?

The person who caused the collision is at fault. If someone ran a red light he/she gets the points on his/her license and his insurance gets to pay the damage. The unlicensed driver just gets the ticket to force him/her to get a license.

If I don't have a license and I at fault in an accident?

States will difer, however, you can be cited for not having a license (obviously), but just because you were not licensed does not automatically make you at fault in an accident. For example if you were sitting still at a red light and rear ended, driving through a green light at intersection and someone runs a red light and hits you, or a drunk driver hits you head on, in your lane-NO, you are not at fault, you just need a good attorney. Good Luck

What episode in Death Note is it when Light flips his pencil around his thumb?

Off the top of my head I think it's episode 16-Confession because it's after Light meets Misa and has that talk about L and all that stuff. But I'm pretty sure it's 16 because I remember Light was still in college sitting next to Takada with Mogi sitting in the very back and Ryuk sitting right behind Light