States will difer, however, you can be cited for not having a license (obviously), but just because you were not licensed does not automatically make you At Fault in an accident. For example if you were sitting still at a red light and rear ended, driving through a green light at intersection and someone runs a red light and hits you, or a drunk driver hits you head on, in your lane-NO, you are not at fault, you just need a good attorney. Good Luck
your still in trouble since you dont have a License,if you have a mean judge,
i had a suspend license and i involve with accident and idid not stop
Not really sure actually. In the eye of the law the accident will most likely be considered your fault.
Yes, because you
If the accident is not your fault then you will get none.
if you can prove it wasnt your fault then the other person is liable for your car... but there is no way of getting out of being in trouble for driving without a licence and insurance
Yes. It is the responsibility of the at-fault party to pay for the damage caused in an accident, regardless of the license or insurance status of the not at-fault party.
The license status of the other driver has no bearing on your liability. If you were at fault you are still responsible for any damages and injuries. Just report it to your insurance company as you would any other accident.
If you're found to be at fault for a fatality accident, not only are you losing your license, but you're going to prison, as well.
license taken away
It does not matter to an insurance company that the other driver had a suspended license. Liability is determined by the factors of the accident and the evidence put forth. The fact that the other driver had no license does not affect liability or the handling of the claim.
dont no