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The car behind you

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Q: Who is at fault when on the red light a car hit you and you hit the car in front of you?
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Who is at fault in a rear end collision when sitting at a red light and a car hit from behind?

The car in the back is usually at fault in a rear end collision. The only exception would be if the car in front were backing up. The car in back is at fault for hitting you ,but if you are pushed into the car in front of you you are at fault for hitting that car.

Who's fault if car-A behind hit your car after you change into his lane causing you to hit a car in front Car-A said you hit car in front first which caused him to hit you No witness Car in front left?

First, you shouldn't be cutting people off. Whom ever hit the other car from behind would be at fault.

Who is at fault when a car hits you and you go into the car in front?

the car that hit you in the rear is at fault. think about it this way. What did you do wrong if you were stopped

What happen if the car in front of you stop suddenly and you hit the car?

When ever a person hits the car in front of them, they are found at fault. If you hit a car in the rear even though it stops short, you are at fault. You will probably get a ticket and your insurance will go up.

The at fault driver hit my rear suburban tire No damage to my vehicle but the front of her car is What do I do?

Nothing, if she as at fault she is responsible to the damages of her car.

If a car pulls out of a turning in front of you and you hit him when he is stationary who is at fault?

If he was truly stationary and you hit him, you are probably at fault. If he was illegally going through the turn, he might be at fault.

Who's at fault if there's a 7 car pile up on freeway due to someone changing tire in the left lane you were last car and hit car in front of you but they hit car in front of them first?

If you hit a car from behind, you are going to be held to be at fault. If a car hits you from behind, they are going to be held at fault. Most jurisdictions consider hitting the back of a car prima facia evidence that you were following too closely. You could literally have six cars at fault in this case, each one for hitting the one in front of it.

Who is at fault if the car in front started spinning in a puddle and was hit on the back passenger door?

The driver who hit it.

If Car A who was preceding into the intersection on a green light was hit by Car B who was rushing to beat the oncoming traffic light who would be at fault?

Car B would be at fault do to the fact that they failed to yield at a traffic light.

Chain reaction crash can anyone help me tell the percentage of fault to each driver you were car 1 the semi behind you is car 2 car 3 is in front of me car 4 is in front. 2 hit 1 1 hit 3 3 hit 4?

In my state you are responsible for the person you hit whether its really your fault or even the fault of the person in front of you. Percentages? Who knows, the insurance companies will fight that one out and probably you too.

Who is at fault when a car is already in an intersection and another car darts out in front of you to make a left turn and you hit them?

What ever car was turning is at fault unless they had a green arrow. you have the right away when it comes to 4 way stops with the turn lights.. if the turn light isn't on then they have to wait for you.

Im in truck 1 turning let with blinker on car comes from behind we hit i have little damage his truck pasanger front bumper totaled whose at fault?

The car that hit you from behind is at fault.