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As long as there is no lien against the old car, you can use the insurance settlement for anything you want. But you won't be able to get insurance on it until it is repaired.

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Q: If your insurance company paid you for damages to your car can you use the money for a down payment on a new car instead of fixing the old one?
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Related questions

What is the payment of damages by the insurance company directly to the insured?

Payment of damages by the insurance company against your Householders' policy is paid directly to your account through NEFT,instead of cheque as was customary earlier.

How can license be taken for damages owed to an insurance company?

In most countries a driving licence could not be taken as payment or punishment for damages owed to an insurance company as that you be a civil matter.

What are types of insurance with an example of when your insurance company would make a payment?

Auto insurance: An accident that damages your vehicleDisability insurance: An injury that causes you to lose wagesHomeowners insurance: A fire in your house that damages your personal possessionsHealth insurance: An illness that involves a trip to the doctor.

Can you choose to take payment for damages to your car rather then having the insurance company fix it?

Not normally as that route is open to fraud.

Can I sue for damages if I just bought a car and somebody rearended me I haven't even made a payment yet?

If it was there fault their insurance company will be responsible for the damages. So yes you can sue, but most likely this won't be necessary as long as the insurance company gives you fair compensation.

Can neighbor sue me for damages after insurance paid?

Yes, a neighbor can still sue you for damages even if your insurance has paid out. Insurance coverage does not prevent individuals from pursuing legal action against you if they believe you are responsible for the damages incurred. It is important to consult with a legal professional to understand your rights and options in such a situation.

Can the at-fault driver pay for damages even if they have insurance?

Yes, most insurance will allow you to make an, lump sum, out-of-pocket payment for the damages.

What do you call the payment of the insurance company?


What are your legal responsibilities if you bumped a vehicle but a police report was not filed until months later and now the insurance company is contacting you for payment of damages?

Financial Responsibility Laws require that you be Financially Responsible for any damages you cause to another. Whether a Police report is filed or not, has no bearing on your responsibilty for the damages.

When you are in an accident with no insurance are you entitled to pay for damages?

Not sure what you are asking. If you had no insurance and caused the accident you are responsible for paying for the other driver's damage and injuries. If the other driver was at fault, you are entitled to payment for your damages and injuries from either the driver/owner of the other car, or their insurance company. If you had your own collision insurance, you could make the claim with your company and let them worry about collecting, but if you don't, you will need to file the claim with the other party's insurer or hire a lawyer and sue them.

What do you say to the other partys insurance company if you have no insurance and the accidient is your fault?

Just that, chances are the not at fault driver carries uninsured motorists coverage to protect them from these instances. But this will not make you any less liable for the damage you caused. If the not at-fault driver's insurance company pays for the damage you caused, you can expect them to sue you to recover for damages that you are liable for. If you do not have any assets and are unable to make payment, a judge can have your future wages garnished to repay the insurance company. Depending on the extent of the damages and the laws in your state you may want to consult a bankruptcy attorney.

On what types of policie is it a certainty that the insurance company will have to make payment?

A. Life Insurance