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State laws vary on at-fault crashes, but if there's clear evidence the other car was At Fault in the crash, their insurance should pay for the damages.

However, if you have no valid drivers license, that should be amandatory court appearance. If you want to drive, ontain the training and license necessary to do so.

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Q: If you have no license and someone crashes into you does their insurance have to pay for damages?
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Will my insurance pay for damages for drivers car without license?

When you allow someone to drive your car, you are giving them the coverage of your insurance. If they were to get into an accident, your policy would pay first.

Who's insurance is liable if someone hits you but leaves the scene?

That depends on your insurance coverage. If you have collision coverage, your insurance will cover your damages. If do not have that coverage and don't have the other vehicle license plate, unfortunately, you're stuck with all the bills.

If someone with no license crashes a car that belongs to someone else and doesn't have insurance will they have to pay?

You can take them to court and get a judgment, but if they don't have money you can't get it from them. Always get a police report when you're in an automobile collision. Unfortunately, once the other driver gets you to agree to NOT have a policeman investigate the collision, you don't have much hope of ever getting any money for the damages. Be the nice guy, but tell them your insurance REQUIRES that you call the police. BTW, it's true.

What does liability insurance protect against?

You can be sued for injuring someone, even unintentionally (as when someone gets hurt on your property). Then you are liable for damages. Liability insurance pays the damages if you lose a lawsuit.

If you rear end someone stopped in the middle of the road and the driver has no liCENSE or insurance are you STILL AT FAULT?

Yes, you are still at fault. It doesn't matter whether or not they had insurance, you still hit their vehicle and are therefore still responsible for their damages.

What happens if you lend your car to someone with no license and they crash?

your car is now a trash if it crashes

How do you sue someone how hit your car has no license or insurance but has given up only 100 dollars?

Depending on the damages will depend on the court you need to contact. You will have to prove the other persons liabiltiy for the damage. You should contact your insurance agent for advice.

If your car is hit and you have no insurance is the other person liable for damages?

If someone causes damages to your property, they are liable. This means, however that you have to deal with their insurance company directly, rather then your insurance company doing it for you.

Why is a life insurance license important?

The only reason someone needs a life insurance license or certification is to be able to sell this type of insurance.

Does landlord insurance cover car damages on property?

No, that's what car insurance is for. If someone hit your car, that person is the one liable for your damages, not the property owner where it was parked.

What if someone hit you would the lender of your car pay for the damages if you had no insurance?


Can you say anything in court after receiving your second no insurance ticket to reduce loss of license?

I would say you cannot say anything and should loose your license. I don't want you hitting me or my family and then have no insurance even to pay for our damages. I hope you realize that if you do hit someone without insurance you will be responsible for damages out of your pocket and in most states that requries an automatic loss of your license for a specific time limit plus your license cannot be reinstated until you repay all damages, expenses, and interest to the other party or their insurance company if they received payment from their carrier. Insurance companies will and do come after uninsured drivers who cause loss to their clients. If you are not responsible enough or for any other reason let you insurance cancel, do not drive. It's simple. As a matter of full disclosure, I own and operate a small Independent Insurance Agency for the past 22 years and worked as an agent for direct writers for 3 years prior to that.