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Depending on the damages will depend on the court you need to contact. You will have to prove the other persons liabiltiy for the damage. You should contact your insurance agent for advice.

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Q: How do you sue someone how hit your car has no license or insurance but has given up only 100 dollars?
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What is a provisionals license?

In some states a provisional license is given to new drivers, restricting them to what hours and where they can drive. A form of provisional is also given sometimes to someone who has a revoked license, allowing them to drive for working duties.

What Must An Insurer Obtain In Order To Transact Insurance Within A Given State?

An insurer must obtain a license from the Department of Insurance of the state in which they wish to transact insurance in order to operate legally. This license ensures that the insurer meets the state's requirements and regulations for offering insurance products to consumers. Failure to obtain this license can result in fines or penalties for the insurer.

How can you get someone's auto insurance information if they are at fault in an accident and refuse to give it to you?

Assuming there was no police report filed, you will have to do the work yourself. Get a lawyer and an investigator and file a lawsuit. Provide the information to your insurance carrier. They can normally get the insurance information from the State DMV using the license plate number of the vehicle that hit you. Keep the license plate number and call the police. The police have all the information. They can find out the information of that car instantly, given the plate number.

If you got a ticket for getting in the turn lane too soon will your insurance rate go up?

When getting a ticket, most states offer you a chance to go to court and fight the ticket so you do not get the points on your license. The points on your license is what actually raises your insurance rate. The insurance rate will go up depending on the amount of points given because of the ticket. If no points are given, your rate will stay the same.

Get Your Insurance Broker License?

If you want to be more competitive in a given industry, then you should consider obtaining a license that allows you to give out insurance. For example, you may want to receive your title insurance license if you are a real estate attorney. Having this qualification will make you much more marketable when you graduate from law school. Employers will be impressed with your ability to be prepared to work at their law firm. In addition, they will be impressed that you have a skill that can make extra profits for the law firm. Always be sure to get your insurance broker license to make yourself marketable.

Which professionals does the FMLA act cover?

FMLA is a type of license and insurance for those who are in the medical profession. It basically guards them from certain malpractice claims where consent was given.

Will auto insurance provide coverage for accident when violating daytime driving restricted license?

Why would you even want to consider a question like this? If a person is restricted to driving only in the daytime that means their license is not valid after dark. If you allow someone to drive when they do not have a valid license they may not be covered, they certainly are not legally driving. Also, the driver must be listed on the policy as a driver and you have to have given the company all their information like their drivers license, date of birth, driving record, etc.

Can your spouse's points affect your insurance if their license is revoked due to medical reasons?

You can exclude them as a driver if they no longer have a license but be aware that if they ever drive the vehicles even for an emergency there will be no coverage at all. If their condition changes and the are given back their license you need to make sure the exclusion is taken off the policy before they drive.

Can you hold a temporary life insurance license?

Yes, you can hold a temporary life license. In the state of Alabama, you are given a period of six months. During this time period you obtain a temporary life license and are allowed to sell life insurance products and receive commission on those sales. However, after the six month time period, you are never allowed to have another temporary license. They allow individuals six months in order to study and pass their life license test. However, this is the case for Alabama. I do not know which states offer temporary licenses and those that do not.

Can a foreign national sell US renters insurance?

If the foreign national is properly licensed for a given U.S. state then he can sell renters insurance in that state. Each U.S. state has it's own licensing requirements. There is not one license for the whole country, you have to be licensed for each of the 50 states in which you want to sell insurance.

Where can someone get very cheap house insurance policy?

The best way to find the cheapest home owners insurance policy is to compare rates given by different companies. Policies may have different coverage amounts.

What happens if two people get into an accident and one driver has a suspended license and the other driver has no auto insurance and the accident was caused by the person with no insurance?

Good luck getting any relief from the damages caused by the driver with no insurance since you were on the road without a license. Given the circumstances, you cannot file a police report. If the other driver offers cash, take it. Your insurance certainly won't pay either. I suppose you might park the remains of your car and start riding the bus or bike until your suspension ends.