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Why would you even want to consider a question like this? If a person is restricted to driving only in the daytime that means their license is not valid after dark. If you allow someone to drive when they do not have a valid license they may not be covered, they certainly are not legally driving. Also, the driver must be listed on the policy as a driver and you have to have given the company all their information like their drivers license, date of birth, driving record, etc.

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Q: Will auto insurance provide coverage for accident when violating daytime driving restricted license?
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Is there something called Accident Only Insurance?

Yes, there is a such thing as Accident only Insurance coverage. Accidental only insurance coverage covers any accident that leads to injuries that result to loss of limps, eye sight or life.

If you got auto insurance coverage and were in an accident the same day what is the coverage for a claim?

Insurance is VERY specific when it comes to when coverage starts. If you had the accident BEFORE you got insurance any damage sustained before you purchased the policy damage would not be covered. If you had an accident after the purchase of the policy then any damages would be covered.

What happens if the damages in an accident exceed the insurance coverage of the person at fault?

You need a life insurance policy to cover the risk of death and a health insurance policy as a cushion against hospitalisation expenses. Buy Personal Accident Insurance Coverage :

What insurance provides medical and property damage coverage if you are in an accident with someone who does not have insurance?

Usually your own insurance.

What do you do if your insurance lapses during an accident?

Your insurance is either valid on the day of your accident or it isn't. If you are asking what happens if the policy was valid on the day of the accident but lapses before the claim is settled then the coverage that was in effect the day of the accident still applies. If your policy was not in effect the day of the accident then coverage will not apply.

If you have full coverage insurance and a person who is not licensed gets into an accident in your vehicle can insurance cover your car damage?

Yes.Thats what full coverage covers

What exactly is accident only insurance coverage, and who is eligible for it?

Accident only insurance coverage is a type of insurance that those who are hospitalized for injuries and other disabiling work related causes. All are eligible except those who are eligible for Medicare.

Are you covered by your insurance if you are driving in a cast and are involved in a car accident?

It depends on your coverage & the state, but normally if you have full coverage your insurer will cover any accident you are in.

If you are in an accident with someone whose insurance lapsed but you have full coverage will your insurance cover it?

Yes they will, but you may have to pay a deductable if you do not have uninsured motorist coverage, and you you must have comp & coll coverage.

What exactly is underinsured motorist car insurance?

Underinsured motorist coverage is a coverage in case you have an accident with someone who doesn't have insurance or enough insurance. For example, if someone hits you and they don't have enough coverage to fix your car, your insurance would help you out.

What kind of insurance pays for a car accident you are in if the other person involved has no insurance?

Uninsured motorist coverage

What are your rights as a claimant in an auto accident?

That depends on the nature of the accident, types of insurance coverage you possess, and whether or not you are at fault.