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Usually your own insurance.

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Q: What insurance provides medical and property damage coverage if you are in an accident with someone who does not have insurance?
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"Auto insurance provides property, liability and medical coverage:

Does Texas liability insurance cover if the two cars involved in the accident are register under the same persons name?

Here is the problem with that,"It is not legally possible to be liable to ones self"So no, liability only coverage will not cover damage to your own property, That's what the comprehensive and collision coverage is offered to you for when you purchase your auto insurance. Comp and Collision provides coverage for your own property, Liability provides coverage for property and injury of others.If you bought liability only, there is no coverage for your own property.Answer:It should, and if it doesn't, there should be other parts of the policy that can pay out. Coverages such as uninsured motorists or medical payments.

What is uninsured vehicle coverage?

Uninsured motorist coverage provides insurance coverage when you are hit by a person who has no insurance coverage. You uninsured motorist coverage will take the place of the insurance that the other person did not have and will cover your damages just like theirs should have if they had it. The only difference is that you will have a small deductible for property damage coverage.

What services do the Globe life and accident insurance company offer?

Globe Life And Accident Insurance are a company that was founded in 1951 it is now based in Oklahoma city and has over 3.8 million policies in force. It provides Life, Accident and Health Insurance coverage.

Will a homeowners insurance policy cover for an accident to an insured off property?

There is no coverage at all for an accident to an insured either off property or on property. A Homeowners policy provides coverage for structures, personal property, additional living expenses due to loss, liability coverage and medical payments. There is coverage away from premises for insured personal property provided it is due to loss from a covered cause. Coverage is generally limited to 10% of coverage C and if it is theft, insured must be temporarily residing where the theft occurred. The liability coverage provided by the policy covers the insured away from premises. These all are general statements and there are exclusions so the policy should be consulted.

What is aegis insurance?

Aegis Insurance is a leading mutual insurance company. The company provides property and liability coverage. They also provide risk management services.

Which of these sentences describes property damage liability insurance coverage?

Property damage liability coverage is a type of auto liability insurance that covers the policyholder in the event that they cause an accident and are found to be at fault. It provides financial protection for the policyholder in the event that they are sued by the other driver(s) or other party involved in the accident for damages to their property. It pays for the repair or replacement of the other driver's vehicle or other property that was damaged in the accident, such as a fence or a building. It does not cover any damages to the policyholder's own vehicle. It is mandatory in most states and is typically included as part of a standard liability insurance policy.

Which of these sentences describes liability automobile insurance coverage?

Auto liability insurance is a type of car insurance that covers the policyholder in the event that they cause an accident and are found to be at fault. It provides financial protection for the policyholder in the event that they are sued by the other driver(s) involved in the accident. Liability coverage typically includes two types of coverage: bodily injury liability and property damage liability. Bodily injury liability covers the medical expenses of the other driver(s) and any passengers in their vehicle. In contrast, property damage liability covers the cost of repairing or replacing any property that was damaged in the accident, such as another vehicle or a fence.

Why is Auto Insurance Necessary?

Frequently, State law requires the maintence of certain types of auto insurance, such as certain levels of liability coverage. In other contexts, contracts require that coverage be maintained. An example of this is when money is loaned and the car serves as collateral, the lender will usually require physical damage coverage so as protect the value of the collateral.Car insurance provides financial protection in case you are involved in an auto accident. If an accident occurs, an auto insurance policy provides financial coverage to pay resulting vehicle damages, property damages, and/or medical costs. The amount of money the policy provides versus the amount of money you pay as premium will depend on the type of coverage purchased, the policy limits of each coverage, and the deductible (in the case of non-liability coverage, this is the amount that you pay out of pocket before the insurer's duty to pay is triggered).