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You can take them to court and get a judgment, but if they don't have money you can't get it from them. Always get a police report when you're in an automobile collision. Unfortunately, once the other driver gets you to agree to NOT have a policeman investigate the collision, you don't have much hope of ever getting any money for the damages. Be the nice guy, but tell them your insurance REQUIRES that you call the police. BTW, it's true.

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Q: If someone with no license crashes a car that belongs to someone else and doesn't have insurance will they have to pay?
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If you have no license and someone crashes into you does their insurance have to pay for damages?

State laws vary on at-fault crashes, but if there's clear evidence the other car was at fault in the crash, their insurance should pay for the damages. However, if you have no valid drivers license, that should be amandatory court appearance. If you want to drive, ontain the training and license necessary to do so.

What happens if you lend your car to someone with no license and they crash?

your car is now a trash if it crashes

Why is a life insurance license important?

The only reason someone needs a life insurance license or certification is to be able to sell this type of insurance.

If you rearend someone when the roads are wet who does not have a license or insurance who is at fault?

If you rearend someone, regardless of road conditions or the other drivers disposition on a drivers lic or insurance, you are still responsible. Not having a license or insurance is a civil matter, not involving insurance company.

What is required for someone to sell life insurance?

The number one requirement for someone to be able to sell life insurance is an "Insurance License". The requirements for obtaining a license varies from state-to-state but passing an exam is always a requirement.

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Can an car insurance company suspend a drivers license in Texas?

No. A drivers' license is issued by the DPS and only the DPS - or a court - can suspend someone's license. However, if Texas requires insurance and you don't have it, if an insurance company notifies DPS that you don't have insurance, then DPS could suspend your license.

Where Can you get insurance without a license?

Your Local Farmers Insurance Agent. They offer Bristol West Insurance policies that will insure you with a temporary suspension, expired license as well as someone with a Mexico ID.

Can i be the only named driver on a vehicle that belongs to someone who hasn't got a driving license?

Yes. Insurance covers the vehicle and the driver. You do have to be aware of insurable interest. The insurance company may not want to pay you for the damage you did to someone's car because you would gain from the other person's loss. You should really work with an insurance agent because rules are different from company to company.

What could the police charge someone with who hasn't got a license or insurance?

uda unlawfull driving auto. no insurance.

Can your license be suspended for someone else driving your car without insurance?

I think it depends on your car insurance policy.

Can someone with a green card get a driver's license in the US and get car insurance?
