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Believe it or not insurance compaines are fair and they do investigations to determine liability. If they don't they can get in trouble with the Dept. of Insurance. If the other drivers carrier found you over 50% At Fault it is probably because you have some liability too. Were you speeding ? Were you inattentive ( on a cellphone, etc )? Could you not tell them your side of the story ? If so, and despite the fact the adverse driver ran the light they owe it to their client not to pay you 100%. Your carrier would also do an investigation to detremine what percentage they would pay of the advers drivers damage - it may or may not be the same as the other carrier is paying you.

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Q: If you are found over 50 at fault by the other drivers insurance company even though the other driver ran a red light does your insurance company have to pay for damages to the other driver's car?
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Well you see, it is for this very purpose that car insurance is required by law; it is unfair on the rest of the insured drivers if some drivers are not covered. so, basically, you wouldn't be paid out for damages unless your insurance company or broker covers you for being hit by uninsured drivers.

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If you have comprehensive insurance, your policy will cover the damages (less a deductable). In this case, your insurance company will sue the at fault driver. You can also sue the at fault driver for damages (if you do not have comprehensive).

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They can pursue him civilly, and the not at fault driver can also sue for damages.

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They can, but you can sue the other driver for damages.

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It is more likely you will be sued by the insured driver's insurance company. Just because the other driver had insurance, that does not exonerate you from having to pay damages if you are liable.

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One of my family members was hit by a driver who carried insurance but was an "excluded" driver on the policy of the car she was driving. After talking to the other person's insurance company, an excluded driver is essentially equivalent to an uninsured motorist. That means that his/her insurance company will not represent them and that, if they are liable for the accident, your insurance company can go after them personally for the damages.

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In most cases, no. Normally your insurance company handles the case on your behalf.

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The driver at fault is always responsible for damages incurred during an accident. The at fault insurance company is responsible for damages to your car.

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You do not sue the insurance company. Any suit is filed against the at fault party only. The insurance company will defend their client and pay damages according to the terms of the policy.

In New Zealand if an uninsured drivers car is hit by an insured drivercar will the insured drivers insurance still pay for the damages to the uninsured car?

In most cases if you are fully insured then your insurance will pay for the uninsured driver's car. However if it is only a third party insurance then most likely you have no cover if it is your fault. However it depends on the insurance company and the policy that you signed.