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They can, but you can sue the other driver for damages.

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Q: Can an insurance company refuse to pay for damages caused by their client if the accident was ruled his fault by the police?
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If you are at fault for an accident does your insurance company get billed for the damages of the other person in the accident?

Yes,, That's what it's for. It pays for damages you caused to another.

In Florida If you were in an accident and was excluded from driving the car and it was not your fault can the insurance co make the owner of the car pay for the damages on the other car?

The insurance company is not going to force anyone to pay for damages to a car. The person that was driving the car and or the owner of that car that caused the accident is liable for the damages to the other vehicles involved in the accident. If there is insurance coverage for that damage then the insurance company will pay. However if the driver of the at fault vehicle is excluded from the insurance policy then the insurance company may be relieved from it's responsibility to pay on behalf of the owner of the vehicle.

What happens if an excluded driver on your insurance policy cause an accident but you let them drive?

The insurance company is not liable to pay out any damages that were caused in the accident and they cancel your policy. This means that the driver bears the full financial burden for the costs of the accident.

Are you allowed to settle a car accident out of the insurance company if the owner of the vehicle has agreed to the compromise?

Yes,, you are required to be financially responsible for any accidental loss you caused. It does not mmatter if you, or the Insurance Company pays the bill. So long as you take car of the damages you caused.

If a friend borrows your car and gets in an accident does your auto insurance cover damages?

Depends. If said friend has insurance then in most cases their insurance will cover the damages due to vicarious liability. If the friend does not have insurance, you are then responsible for any damages caused.

Can you request a check for damages from the insurance company of the driver who caused the accident and not get your car repaired after an auto accident?

It depends on if you have a lien placed on your vehicle (by you lender. If you own the car free and clear, you can take the insurance money and not repair the car, but if there is a lien on your vehicle more often than not the insurance company will make the check out to you and your bank.

If you are a victim of hit-and-run accident caused by a rental car driver can you claim the damages from this rental car company directly?

You can only claim against the rental company if the driver took out their insurance. If he has his own separate insurance, that is where you need to make the claim.

What happens if you are in an accident that is not your fault but you have no insurance or license?

you got to jail for not having insurance or a vaild license and you are personally liable for all the damages you caused.

Do you call your insurance company if you caused damage?

It is advisable to call your insurance company immediately in any accident. If you do not, they may think that you are trying to defraud them by hiding the accident.

When you are in an accident with no insurance are you entitled to pay for damages?

Not sure what you are asking. If you had no insurance and caused the accident you are responsible for paying for the other driver's damage and injuries. If the other driver was at fault, you are entitled to payment for your damages and injuries from either the driver/owner of the other car, or their insurance company. If you had your own collision insurance, you could make the claim with your company and let them worry about collecting, but if you don't, you will need to file the claim with the other party's insurer or hire a lawyer and sue them.

Is it necessary to have a lawyer when sued for injuries incurred in an accident?

If you are sued for injuries you caused in a car accident, you are not required to have an attorney represent you; you can be a fool and represent yourself and take the chance on losing everything you own if you lose the case. But, if you have car insurance, the insurance company will provide a lawyer for you. They are required to do that under the policy. Plus, the company is not going to trust you or a lawyer of your choosing to defend your case if the insurance company has to pay for the damages.

What should a person do if they were the 'at fault' driver in an accident and their insurance had been cancelled and they are now responsible for paying 6000 dollars in damages?

The moral answer would be for him to pay for the damages that he caused.