on the ground, what is the safe method to drop diff from
1996 statesman
Holden VS Commodore was created in 1995.
The best place to buy a Holden VS Commodore is from your local Holden or General Motors showroom. Failing that, you can pick up a used version by searching local ads on Craigslist, Gumtree or AutoTrader.
The control fuse on a 95 VS Holden Commodore V6 is located within the fuse box. The fuse box is located between the right strut and the right headlight.
On the left hand side (passengers side) of the gearbox. has 2 terminals coming out of it.
Don't know about the Holden specifically, but in general, the starter will be held in place with two bolts. First, you'll want to disconnect the negative battery cable, then look at how the wiring is attached to the starter (which wire goes to which terminal). Then disconnect the wiring (should only be 2-3 wires). Then locate and remove the two bolts holding the starter in place. Installation is the reverse of removal.
how do I change the pads and rotors on a VS Commodore ?
Probably about $300 Is it IRS or Non-IRS? If your Mechanically minded you can do it on your own quite easily. http://forums.justcommodores.com.au/vr-vs-holden-commodore-1993-1997/61054-irs-diff-removal.html This link tells you how. You will need: * Jack * Car Stands *Spanners, Sockets, Screw Drivers and geral tools *WD-40 (or some kind or penatrant lubricant) * Locktite (use on diff mounting bolts when installing) The drive shaft bolts and cv joint hex nuts can be hard to get off so spray with WD-40 and tap with hammer and screwdriver under the lip of the nut to break the thin layer of rust. They will come strait off. Hope that helps
The light can indicate a number of maladies with your car. The Commodore has a computer that monitors engine activity, and when something goes wrong, it sends outputs a code that sets off that light.
Torque Setting for VS Commodore Harmonic Balancer Bolt- between 270-320 NM. The Best way is to check the bolt torque setting before you remove it.
Would hold around 10 litres, it is recommended when replacing coolant, to do so with a 50-50 ratio of water to coolant concentrate.
How do you adjust rear band on transmission for a vs commodore 6hdd?f
Holden is more popular, followed by Ford. There was a brief period in the 1980's when the Commodore slowed Holden's dominance and the Ford Falcon was the preferred vehicle.This was the time of the Peter Brock - Commodore vs Dick Johnson - Falcon rivalry in Australian motor racing, reflected in the population as well! The best selling car EVER in any country across the world is a ford so obviously ford is the most popular