If you are riding around with a broken tail light you can get a ticket. Since tail lights are inexpensive you should avoid this ticket by fixing your light.
In Cary, NC, a Red Light Camera violation is like a parking ticket. No points are assessed to your driving record and no record of the violation is sent to your insurance company or the DMV.
The fine for a red light violation is $450
In most cases no. Check with your city police department to make sure, but in my city it is just a civil offense and doesn't go on your driving record. It's significantly cheaper than a red light ticket as well. Hope that helps.
In California it is approx.$450 and yes it is a moving violation. For free information on how to fight a red light camera ticket in California go to http://www.2FixYourTrafficTicket.com/
Yes, you can attend the defensive driving school for a Red Light Camera ticket in Arizona.
If it was just a failure to stop ticket and not companied with a reckless/careless driving or reckless endangerment charge, then probably about 100-150 dollars.
Question is unclear. If the ticket was given in person, who's drivers license did you show the officer? Where did they get your son's information if they were copying it from yours? If this was a red-light camera ticket - - the ticket is always issued to the owner of the car. Either you will have to go to court to admit to driving it, or the points and fine will go against him.
That depends on what you were ticketed for! Each violation has it's own fine, ranging from maybe $35 for a parking ticket, to several hundred dollars for more serious moving violations like speeding, running a red light, etc.The last time I received a ticket, I ordered this ticket beating system thing from this site: http://www.beat-traffic-tickets.info/ and it had some pretty good info, I was able to get my ticket thrown out in court.
The officer can ticket you for the traffic violation, he or she can arrest you if there are mitigating circumstances.
Currently, 2 points are assessed for failing to stop for a red light. However, in Maryland, if you are caught running a red light by an automated camera system NO points are assessed. You only pay a monetary fine which is about $75.00. The violation notice is sent to the registered owner of the car that was photographed going through the red light.
you handle it by punching the cop and then driving away
A ticket serves as notification of the violation, so thestatute of limitations will not apply. The time the jurisdiction may collect is set by the city or town.