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For a car to be covered, the policy must be issued in the name of the titled owner of the vehicle. No one else has an insurable interest in the vehicle.

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Q: Can a person own a car but be insured under another person's policy?
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Related questions

A person who is insured is called?

The "insured" refers to a person or persons who are listed on the insurance policy for whom a premium is being collected.

What does Additionally Insured on a Vehicle Insurance Policy mean?

The person who took out the policy is the main or policyholder. Any persons added to the policy are considered additionally insured.

Can an insured person also be the beneficiary on an insurance policy?

Yes, there is no bar in the insured person being beneficiary on another insurance policy.

Will a homeowners' policy cover an accident off the insured property caused by a noninsured person?

liability coverage is only for persons that meet the definition of an "insured"

If you need to get personally insured so you can practice driving in another persons car to take the driving test what do you do to do that?

To drive another person's car you must be a named driver on the vehicle's insurance policy.

What is a co-insured?

Co-InsuredThe "Co-Insured" is another person or entity that is also covered under your insurance policy.

If a person is insured with another company why do you have to exclude them from your policy?

I think that if a person is insured and lives in the same household than you shouldn't have to exclude them from driving your car if they are a relative

Can you insure another person for life insurance?

Yes, one person can obtain a life insurance policy on another as long as the policy owner has an insurable, financial interest in the life of the insured.

Can anyone else but the insured change the beneficiary on a life insurance policy?

Only the POLICY OWNER can change the beneficiary on a life insurance policy. In most cases, the insured is also the policy owner, but it's not a general rule. The policy owner can be another person who is paying the premium (for example, a parent or guardian, spouse or other family member), or a bank, or a business. If the policy owner is not the same person as the insured, then the insured has no control over who the beneficiary is on the policy.

What is the difference between the insured and the owner in a life insurance policy?

The insured is the person whose life is being insured, while the owner is the person who owns the policy and has control over it. The owner can make changes to the policy and decide how the benefits are used, even if they are not the insured person.

As a beneficiary do you own the policy after insured dies?

No. You do not own the policy. You will only receive the policy proceeds after the insured person dies.

What is a Additional named insured?

Individual added to a life insurance policy other than the insured named in the policy. For example, an insured father can have a dependent son and daughter added to the policy as additional insureds. In many instances, adding an additional insured to an existing policy is less expensive than purchasing a separate policy for that insured. In property and liability insurance: another person, firm, or other entity enjoying the same protection as the named insured.