What are the synonymes for usually thank you very much. normally, generally, habitually, customarily, routinely, typically, ordinarily, commonly, conventionally, traditionally; as a rule, in general, more often than not, in the main, mainly, mostly, for the most part, nine times out of ten.
There are no synonyms for the word 'Italy' as it is a name of a country which is a proper noun and these words usually do not have synonyms.
The two are nearly synonyms, except that "salary" is usually applied to a fixed payment (weekly, monthly, yearly) while wages usually applies to an hourly or daily payment.
Some synonyms for the verb solicited include : approached, applied, accosted, asked, begged, canvassed, inquired, sold, propositioned for starters. A thesaurus usually has several different synonyms for a word.
An influx which is a term usually used to describe a sudden rush of something has synonyms such as - affluence; flux; inflow; income; in pouring; and inrush.
Bungalow, which usually means a small house, has many synonyms. They include cabin, lodge, ranch, shack, hut, carriage house, caboose, or cabana.
Synonyms for flirtatious include amorous, coquettish and coy. It is generally taken to mean provocative and teasing and usually describes someone's behaviour or demeanour.
Some synonyms for 'perceived' are noticed, observed, recognized, or discerned.
a list of synonyms and antonyms.
A pothole is a hollow or a cavity, usually found in road surfaces. Some synonyms are crater, chuckhole, pit, fracture, pocket, rut, dip or depression.
Synonyms of the word "thru" include passageway, entryway, entrance, variance and projection. The word can be spelled 'thru' or 'through' however 'thru' is usually used as a shortened term.
Contrivance is a noun meaning a thing contrived, usually a mechanical device. There are many synonyms including appliance, contraption, gadget, gimmick, gizmo (or gismo), jigger, or widget.
disrupt is usually a conversation; interrupt can be anything (can be a conversation too). they are synonyms