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Usually just below the loading breech.

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Q: Where are sheridan pellet gun serial numbers located?
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What is the age of a Sheridan 5mm pellet pistol serial 223194 e series?

It was manufactured in 1978

What is the age of a Sheridan 5 mm pellet pistol serial 233268 e series?

It was manufactured in 1978

What is a 5mm sheridan 20 cal pellet rifle serial?

It depends on the model, but usually it is right on the barrel or the receiver. If it is really old it may not have a serial number. For a time Benjamin and Sheridan did not serialise their rifles.

What is the age of a sheridan 5mm pellet pistol serial 254984 e series?

1974 see the link below

What is the value of a Sheridan c series pump pellet gun serial number put it in 1978?

What condition is it in, both mechanically and physically. That determines the value

What is the value of a Sheridan 5mm pellet air rifle In good condition Metal trigger guard Serial number 257275?

You have given me all the information except the model. Sheridan has several different models at different prices

Sheridan 5mm pellet gun in great shape and It is serial number 215726 and want to know about what is it worth?

I have seen these sell from $50 to $600 depending on model and condition. Most are in the $90 - 100 range. Have a look at (sheridan pellet) and search the archives for 2008, it should give you a better idea what you gun is worth.

Where is the serial number located on Sheridan Blue Streak rifles?

On the right side in front of the trigger

How is the year for a 5 mm blue streak pellet rifle sn 178821 found?

Crosman air gun company owns both the Benjamin and Sheridan line of airguns. 1. Go to the Crosman home page 2. Click on Crosman University in the lower left. 3. Open up "Benjamin Product dates." 4. Scroll down to the "Sheridan Serial numbers" and locate your serial number and the Year it was manufactured.

How do you age a sheridan air rifle with no serial number?

You cannot age a sheridan air rifle with no serial number. ----------------------------------- New Answer------------------ The above answer is not entirely correct. Sheridan rifles did not carry serial numbers before 1972. So if yours has no number it was made before 1972. Also if you can find the model number, then that can identify the date range that model was made.

Where are the serial numbers located on a Remington Model 582?

the serial numbers are located on the left side of the barrel by the breach mine numbers on mine are 44678

Where are the serial numbers located on a rem 550-I?

Remington Model 550-1 does not have serial numbers.