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It depends on the model, but usually it is right on the barrel or the receiver. If it is really old it may not have a serial number. For a time Benjamin and Sheridan did not serialise their rifles.

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Q: What is a 5mm sheridan 20 cal pellet rifle serial?
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What is the age of a Sheridan 5mm pellet pistol serial 223194 e series?

It was manufactured in 1978

What is the value of a Sheridan 5mm pellet air rifle In good condition Metal trigger guard Serial number 257275?

You have given me all the information except the model. Sheridan has several different models at different prices

What is the age of a sheridan 5mm pellet pistol serial 254984 e series?

1974 see the link below

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How can you find the age of a Sheridan C Series 5MM .20 cal Rifle?

Your rifle can be aged based on its serial number. Please see the link below.

Can a 5mm pellet be fired in a .177 cal rifle?

No. a 177 is a 4.5mm pellet. A 5mm is a 20 cal pellet. A 5.5mm is a 22 cal pellet Don't try it in the wrong airgun.

What is the value of a silver streak 5mm pellet gun?

I believe you are asking about a Sheridan .20 cal (5mm) air rifle. They started to make this rifle in 1949 and stopped in 1990 ( sheridan sliverstreak model ) During the 1990's the name changed to C9 sliverstreak and C9 bluestreak. The value is determined by the current condition of the rifle. You did not give any such information , therefor I can not answer you.

Who makes a 5mm air rifle?

Sheridan air rifles who is owned by Crosman Sheridans are 5mm air rifles

Where do you purchase ammo for the blue streak 5mm caliber and what size will fit this rifle is it?

The Sheridan Blue Streak air rifle uses a 5mm pellet. This is about .20 caliber- larger than the .177 pellet, smaller than the .22 pellet. I have been able to get these at Bass Pro Shop. There are also at least 3 lots of them for sale on Ebay right now. Only the 5mm/ .20 caliber pellets will work in your rifle- do not try to substitute anything else. P.S. Have had one for years. These are extremely good air rifles- very accurate, very powerful.

Sheridan 5mm pellet gun in great shape and It is serial number 215726 and want to know about what is it worth?

I have seen these sell from $50 to $600 depending on model and condition. Most are in the $90 - 100 range. Have a look at (sheridan pellet) and search the archives for 2008, it should give you a better idea what you gun is worth.

What is age of Benjamin Sheridan C9A series 5mm 20 cal serial 300700933?

Sometime around 1980. In 1977 Benjamin bought out Sheridan and for a time they merged the names Benjamin/Sheridan.

Where can you hunt with air rifles?

Any place that permits hunting with firearms. BB guns are very difficult to use for hunting, due to lack of accuracy and power. However, I do squirrel hunt with a 5mm Sheridan pellet rifle. It is extremely accurate, and adequate for squirrels out to about 45 yards.