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What is the age of a Sheridan c series 5mm 20cal rifle serial number 370862

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Q: What year is your Sheridan 22cal c series rifle model?
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The value of a benjamin sheridan 392pa 5.5mm 22cal air rifle is $185

Value of marlin 22cal rifle model model?

50-1000 depending on specifics

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The marlin model 781 .22cal rifle was made from 1971-1988.

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You need the services of a gunsmith

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How old is marlin model 98 22 cal bolt action rifle?

Marlin made a model 98 semi-auto .22cal rifle from 1957-1959.They also made a model 980 bolt action .22cal rifle from 1962-1970.They did not make a model 98 bolt action rifle in .22caliber.

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Your winchester model 1890 .22cal rifle was made by winchester in 1902.

How old is Winchester model 90 22cal serial number 664732A?

If you are talking about a winchester model 1890,.22cal pump rifle?Then it was made by winchester in 1923.

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Sheridan C silver streak in good condition would be worth between $125 -$160 USD

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What year was your model 250 22s made?

The Winchester model 250 belonged to the 200 series of rifles made by Winchester from 1965-1976.Your Winchester model 250 .22cal rifle was made from 1965-1974.

What is the age of a Winchester Model 77 22cal?

Your Winchester model 77 rifle was made from 1955-1963.