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What if you are three days late for your period?

It's normal for there to be around 7 days variation from your average menstrual cycle. A few days 'late' isn't a big deal, as long as you're not sexually active no reason for you to worry about it.

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Q: What if your three days late for your period?
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What does it mean if your period is three days late?

You are not possibly pregnant until it is a month late. Don't stress it. Cycles can vary from 28-38 days normally.

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Probably not pregnant. You just had a short period, for whatever reason.

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about three days into your 'white' section of your pills is still normal

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no, only if it is a week late and you have had it for more than three yrs

What does it mean if im 5 days late for my period?

It means your period is five days late. Only you know your chances of being pregnant.

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You were late for your period by 12 days then you started bleeding quite heavy for about 7 days was this just a late period?

Yes, sometimes your period can just be late. You can check this site for more information as to why it could have been late.

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What key is never to late by three days grace in?

Never too late by Three Days Grace is in the key of D minor.

Why might your period be 9 days late?

There are a few reasons why a person may have a period that is 9 days late. The person may be pregnant or it could be stress related.