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Q: What causes your period to be four days late?
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Can stress cause your period to come four days late?

Yes it can. Four days is not very much.

Period is four days late then you have a dark coloured discharge for two days followed by a really light flow period dark in colour just a late period or something else no stress or anything to cause?

You might be pregnant - take a test

Your period started four days late but very light could it be pregnancy?

No, it is not pregnancy, it has happened to me, its nothing.

First day of period august 2 had unprotected sex on august 21 period four days late?

Give it a couple of more days, then take a test. You were really asking for it.

Can pregnancy detected if you have 4 days missed period?

Usually four days late is enough time to get a positive test. If the test is negative and your period doesn't start, retest in one week.

What does it mean if im 5 days late for my period?

It means your period is five days late. Only you know your chances of being pregnant.

Why would your period be late 3 days every month for the last four months when it wuz regular for 2 years?

the hell if i know

You were late for your period by 12 days then you started bleeding quite heavy for about 7 days was this just a late period?

Yes, sometimes your period can just be late. You can check this site for more information as to why it could have been late.

What if your three days late for your period?

What if you are three days late for your period? It's normal for there to be around 7 days variation from your average menstrual cycle. A few days 'late' isn't a big deal, as long as you're not sexually active no reason for you to worry about it.

What were the four stages of impact on humans from the nuclear detonation in Hiroshima?

Initial stage Intermediate stage Late period Delayed period

Why might your period be 9 days late?

There are a few reasons why a person may have a period that is 9 days late. The person may be pregnant or it could be stress related.

What does it mean if you are fifteen days late from your period?

If you are sexually active then you could be pregnant but if not then you could just having a late or irregular period.