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Q: Why would your period be late 3 days every month for the last four months when it wuz regular for 2 years?
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What word means occurring every four months?

Quarterly (in other words 12 months divided by 4)

When you only have your period every four months because of birth control do you still ovulate every month?

No, the point of birth control is so that your body will not ovulate so that you will not get pregnant. Your period is withdrawal bleeding, which is not the same as regular periods.

Is It normal to get a period for 3 months regular then miss a period you are not pregnant and you were on the shot back in July?

i have been on the depot shot for three months my period did not come the fourth month what should i do

Why are you asking these questions about being pregnant?

i dont know why, i get my period every month on a regular basis i am not pregnant

If your period starts at the end of a month and goes into the start of the next month does that mean your next period will come at the start of the next month?

no it is every 28 days not months..look on the internet if you're still unsure

How long will it take for your period to come back if your period is abnormal and you just got off the pill?

depending on which pill, anywhere from one month to 6 months, and it won't become regular for several months after it returns.

I had my first period 8 months ago and my second one 1 month ago and i was due my 3rd on this month but its late again. will there be a long gap between the months again?

Yes this is completely normal. When you first get your period it sometimes takes a while for it to become regular. You could go another 6 months with out your period. It is nothing to worry about, and it will come back.

How long will it take to regularize your periods after stopping Clomid if it was delaying your period every month?

Usually 2-3 months.

You had regular period after unprotected intercourse last two months but have missed your period this month does this mean you are pregnant?

If you had a regular period after unprotected sex, you are not pregnant.If you had sex after that period you may be pregnant.If you are unsure you can use a regular pregnancy test available at any pharmacy, they are very accurate if you missed your period already. If you did not miss your period yet, the pregnancy test is less accurate.

How can you stop your period for the month?

Get pregnant. There are birth control pills specifically designed to stop your period for up to 3 months at a time. Some women stop menstruating completely while taking the pill. There is no medical reason to have a period every month and it does not cause you any harm to suppress menstruation for one month, three months or indefinitely.

If got off the pill for a month but I still haven't gotten my period. I may not get my regular period for months. I have new birth control that I want to take. Do I have to wait 4 my period to start?

no! just consult with your doctor.

If you have two period in one month can you be pregnant?

NO if you just got yours for the very first time it means it is trying to get use to coming every month did you know it takes up to 2 years for your period to get into a regular pattern.